RC26. My Memory Having RC Car. My No13 RC. Maykasing Jambo Wheel 2002

My 2012 project, Recondition a broken RC Big Foot scale 1/12. It free found in a junk shop with 
1. Broken wheel hub
2. Broken linkage
3. No body
4. Missing one tyre
5. Rusty all screw.
6. Circuit board still function
7. Rear wheel drive. 
Maykasing Made in China.

2 years back i buy this units from Internet for rm120, after testing i don't like it because all 4 tyre is a hard plastic i sole it. But know i got it free in bad Condition will rework back.
The New Modification i done for this big Foot is, i can use 2 type battery Nimh 7.2V 1800mAh or the original 9.6V 900 mAh Nicd. Using 7.2V battery i add additional wire out from the Circuit board and the battery i put on top of the Circuit casing.
The disadvantage is this battery is heavy, the big foot a litter bit slow but running time is longer. If use original 9.6V battery it run fast but running time short (Warning DO NOT PUT BOTH BATTERY TOGETHER,THE HIGH CURRENT 16.8V WILL BURN THE CIRCUIT BOARD)

On 31/8/2020 just searching for data in net found out this China made Maykasing is a copy cat of Tamiya QD Trail Master 1/14 46020 2002. The chassis almost same but quality wise Tamiya is better and china brand is 1/12 scale..

Start bloog = 05/07/2012
Last update bloog = 30/12/2024
2002 - 2025 = 23 Years
Made in China (🇨🇳) 

This from Tamiya QD 1/12 46027 Trail Monster

Online found overview from Tamiya

The chassis almost same as my imitation Truck.

The Condition Before Total Clean and Modification.
The 1/12 Jumbo Wheel MAYKASING

Under carrage the Battery Compartment

The Rusty Shock Spring, Steering Rod and Screw

The Broken Rear Linkage

The Under Carrage

Rear Wheel Drive Axle Case

The Motor with Heat Sink

The Hard Plastic Tyre

The Broken Wheel Hub Lhs Front

The Circuit Board 27mAh.

Front Double Damper Rusty

The Battery Compartment Cover Broken

The Circuit Box

Front Steering Box

 The Condition After Clean and Modification
The New Look After Recondition.

Using a 7.2 V Battery and Same Circuit

The Location for 7.2v Battery

Additional Wire For Using 7.2V Battery. ( Additional - Neg wire solder at Negative wire on circuit board & Additional + Po Wire solder at switch before current passing to Switch)

+ Wire solder at + wire before switch

Negative Wire Solder on - wire on Circuit Board

The Original 8 Cell 9.6V battery

Inside The Battery Case

The Modification on the Broken Wheel Hub

Using a 1/8 Scale HoBao
 Buggy Wheel and Tyre

Glue Back on the Broken Linkage

The Clean Damper.

Top View

The Rear Body Post Modified

The Rear Axle Case

The Front Steering Box

The Clean Steering Rod and Screw

Front Body Post Modified

Side View

Front View

Back View

Top View

Using a Truck Body

Side View

Front View

Enjoy RC.


Fijar illahi said…
hey i have RC car like that. i rebuild but not same. i need battrey for the car. where you buy the battrey? you have ponsel? you can masange me (085315835955). or sent email to caky_evil@yahoo.com
Rallyboy said…
U can get the Battery in all the RC shop.
Unknown said…
Nice project!
You replaced the battery with 7.2v

Did it have the same voltage initially?
The battery bay looks suitable qonly for 4 batteries AA
Unknown said…
Nice project!
You replaced the battery with 7.2v

Did it have the same voltage initially?
The battery bay looks suitable qonly for 4 batteries AA
Rallyboy said…
The original Battery bay still can use the original 8 Cell Battery 9.6V. To use the 6 cell 7.2v i just put on the top of the Circuit Case and i secure with cloth strap. But using the 7.6V it can last longer runing time, but it heavy that make the truck move a bit slow.
Two Choise 9.6V (fast), shorten running time or 7.6V Litter (bit slow), longer running time.
Unknown said…
Oi preciso da caixa de direcao (a carcaça) pois bati ele acabou quebrando sabe me informar onde consigo ?