RC 88. My Memory Having RC Car. No 49. HSP Bazooka 1/8 94081 Buggy year 2006.

Another scale 1/8  buggy collection, buy secondhand Nitro buggy HSP Bazooka 94081 year 2006. Saller from kajang, Sale for Rm200. Some say same as Kyosho Inferno Neo 2.0, Inferno 5.0 or Inferno 7.7, parts in this Bazooka can be use in kyosho, but i will review it. This the cheap and economical 1/8 buggy to play. 

Start blogger = 16/12/2024
Update blog = 30/12/2024
2006 to 2025 = 19 years 
Spending parts = Rm53.22 (Rm8.65 + 44.57)
Made in CHINA 🇨🇳 

The ori image.

The original box not mine

Image from saller.

Fault Found. 
1. Broken body cover.
2. Broken fuel tank lid, crack body due to plastic become brittle.
3. Chassis and parts dirty with dust, dry grass, oil
4. Pull start can't return long storage with out service
5. Few rusty parts Screws /turn buckle. 
6. Caburetor plunger dust cover rubber torn.
7. Air filter sponge damage.
8. All 4 tyre wall crack long storage.
9. 2 pcs tyre partly unglue to wheels long storage dry up.
10. Wheel 2 pcs outside chip. 
11. Fuel tank inside dirty with dry nitro.
12. Front shock absorber top section scratch due to over turn.
13. Shock absorber rod dust cover all torn.
14. Lhs/rhs steering knuckle hard to remove from suspension arm. Using lock tie.
15. Front proppeler shaft holder hard to remove allen screw using lock tie.
16. No greese on axle maint gear front and rear.
17. The uj stuck because dry lubricant on ballbearing.
18. Wheel drive shaft hard to remove dry oil
19. Rear axle housing damage using long screw to tighten to chassis.
20. Rear dogbone rusty 

Got it on 17/12/2024, cod in Bangi Kip Mall. After go back look into it parts same as my HSP 1/8 Tornado big wheels. History this belongs to relatives, no more playing Sale off. From my view this buggy not play in roughly manner, play few time then keep a side. No Remort given, receiver is ori HSP. Tyre tread still nice but wall rubber crack long storage. No heavy damage on rim just chip. Spare parts hard to get. Even under chassis just fine scratch. Engine compression still good. Crack on fuel tank body. For this units I'm going to clean or service section by section.

Fine scratch on chassis 

The front end no scratch or chip 

Front suspension bottom 

Rear suspension bottom

Front suspension top

Rear suspension top

Rear wing in good condition

Body crack long storage

Broken fuel tank lid. Un clean oil stain on cover weekend the plastic. 

Exhaust look new

The SH PT21P3 engine. the pull start string can't return stuck..

The radio box Dusty. The sticker still ok.

In side very clean

Ori HSP Receiver

Ori air filter

Caburetor clean no stuck or dry stain

Single spèed

Rusty parts, brake lining look good

2 ori hsp servo

With adjustable linkages 

Front drive shaft using UJ

Rear using dog bone

Rear stabilizer bar 

Rear shock no leaking

Front shock

The tyre trade still new.

Rim no heavy scratch or chep off

The exhaust protection cover no scratch.

No oil stain clean.

Cyclinder top paint chip.

Removing the engine. 
After checking not going to remove every parts. Look on it only run in 1 tank. All moving parts in engine not dirty with slug. Event the engine body look like new. A lot of dry grass on chassis, mean this previous owner play on a field not road. The exhaust internal clean, carburetor in shining state. The caburetor plunger rubber dust cover torn due to long storage. Air filter sponge damage, 
Next just clean it with WD40 outside body. 
Very clean engine

Bottom with dry grass

Only dry grass

The exhaust internal look clean

Caburetor plunger shining

Crack on rubber dust cover.

Rear exhaust port using hard spring hold it.

inside piston shining

Crack dust cover

Crankshaft no thick slug

OS glow plug

No 8

Filemen shining

Add after run oil

The drive bell using ballbearing 

Clutch using 3 shoes.

Air filter sponge damage due long storage can be replace.

Will remove the spring and modified.

Crack on top due to the spring on cap

After engine cleaning

The caburetor and fuel inlet valve relocate for photo shot. 

For the rubber dust cover I rub some oil to prevent dryness.

The engine mounting

The paint pill off

dust on cooling fin clean.

The ballbearing lubricat with oil.

The wheels
No damage on rim

Front miner damage 

Ori HSP tyre

SN Racing 400/45/25 tyre size

Tyre glue dry up 

Most tyre wall crack long storage

No crack or bend on spock

After cleaning

DIY a sponge filter

Use metal Polish for exhaust 

Total wash

The crack I use aluminium sticker foil

Will be spray yellow

Next parts fuel tank, full of dry nitro inside and oily outside body. after cleaning found the body have few crack and brittle plastick. So need to buy new Rm47.

Very dirty inside fuel tank.

After cleaning found this tank plastic in brittle condition, it will break. Will buy new


Body plastic become brittle. 

Two type for acc/brake normal servo. For steering use a 9 kg servo. Both no name.

Two type of servo use, for steering use a 9kg and acc/brake normal servo it looks like sanwa brand 

HSP Receiver clean

Remove some parts for cleaning

After cleaning assembly back

This two servo function

No leaking but the shaft dust cover torn 

No ball bearing use

Front suspension lower arm rod spring, 

When check on assembly diagram no spring. 

Front, center, rear remove

Rusty Rear dogbone and stabilizer bar 

Shock absorber no leaking so I didn't top up the oil. Dust cover all 4 pcs torn. I just clean the parts. Front absorber top scratch due to over turn. 

Dust cover torn 

Top front absorber heavy scratch.

Steering linkage clean up only wating order 4 pcs ballbearing 6x10x3.

Speed gear clean outside not removing every parts.

Front suspension 

Both lhs rhs steering knuckle allen screw hard to remove because using heavy lock tied. 

The proppeler shaft holder hard to remove allen screw tighten with lock Tie. 

The uj stuck with dry oil hard to remove.

No greese in front drive gear.

Inside axle using thick lubricant for bevel gear not going to remove

The front gear box mounting screw seat damage, using longer screw, cause the axle touching the screw make axle not turn freely 

All remove Front Suspension 

Front axle after cleaning

Front suspension done

Rear suspension 


No greese 

The axle housing tighten screw too long damage the body.

Rear suspension done
Add greese 

All wheel with ballbearing 

Done complete clean and service.

Add a fuel filter and exhaust return air cooler

Next parts to buy 
1. Steering arm ballbearing 4pcs 6x10x3. Rm8.65.
2. 125mm fuel tank. Rm44.57

New nitro tank.

Enjoy RC
