Fishing 🎣 29. My Fishing Hobby. The Reels Collection Ajiking, BigCat, Shimano, DAM, Kastking, DIY, Diomond Long Micon, Ryobi

New blog for my Reels collection.

Total brand 22. Own 51 units reels. 
1. Abu Garcia (Ori Sweden/M China) = 3 units 
2. Ajiking (Ori Itali/M China) = 1 units 
3. Balzer (Ori Jerman/M Taiwan, Korea) = 1 units 
4. Banex (Ori Japan /M China) = 1 units 
5. BLR (Ori China) = 1 units 
6. Big Cat (USA) = 1 units
7. DAM (Ori Jermany, M China) = 8 units 
8. Daiwa (Ori Japan/M China, Thailand) = 4 units.
9. Kastking (Ori USA/ M China) = 2 units 
10. Leasure (Ori Taiwan) = 1 units 
11. Match (Ori Japan) = 2 units 
12. Ryobi (Ori Japan/ M China) =  6 units 
13. Shimano (Ori Japan/M Malaysia, Singapore) = 9 units 
14. Santec (Ori Malaysia) = 1 units 
15. Shakespiare (Ori USA) = 1 units 
16. Tica (Ori Taiwan) = 3 units 
17. Teben (Ori China) = 1 units 
18. TKY - Z (Ori Japan) = 1 units 
19. Tokarz (Ori Czech Republic) = 1 units 
20. Zebco (Ori USA) = 1 units
21. DIY (China) = 1 units
22. Diamond (korea) = 1 units..

Reels Range.
1. Spinning = 41
2. Spincasting = 1
3. Flyfishing = 2
4. Baitcasting = 5
5. Multyplayer = 2

Start blogger = 8/6/2023
Update = 22/9/2024.

No 44 reels. 8/6/2024 AJIKING AIRMAXX 2000 2003. 
This my no 7 reels I buy in May to July 2023. Try new brand Ajiking itali but made in China, buy Rm115 in TCE tackle Seremban 2. In this reel I put in 15ib / 0.26d  Mono line. In box no assembly manual and parts number given only a stickers..

1. Ratio = 6.2/1
2. Bearing = 5 +1
3. Line test = 
4. Line Die = 0.20 - 0.26mm
5. Drag = 6kg
6. Thick bell wire
7. Aluminium knob
8. Made in China.

 Wrap in plastic 

Given a sticker 

Open to check amount of greese 

Add small amount of greese 

No 45 reels. BIG CAT BCC800P. 
My no 8 reels from May to July 2023. At Last I buy a basic flycombo flyfishing set, just Rm112 from TCE tackle senawang. Can change positions to rhs cast or lhs cast buy turning other side of the center gear.
Want to know this fishing mated. Line not much just 100m. This a 8 feet rod 3 section, fly reel, fly line, fly hook, mono line. Made in USA.

Plastic handle 

The button is to remove the spool

This center gear is for rhs cast

After turn to another side become lhs cast

This the drag button tighten or loose

Need to put in another 100m

Buy a pouch 

No 46. SHIMANO IX 1000R 
New Rm91 (2019), no 9 reel I buy from May to July 2023. buy from tackle shop Thailand, in Malaysia they sale for Rm180++. 30/6/2023 reach. This reel is old technical, I buy because review from europe angler good. The are a lever to open the bail arm and to remove spool need full lock drag the turn spool anti clock wise, no push button on spool. 

1. Ratio = 4.1/1
2. Bearing = nil (Add 3 pcs bearing)
3. Line test = 2, 4, 6 lb.
4. Changeable handle
5. Screw type spool
6. Special bail arm lever
Made in Malaysia 

Rear drag

Made in Malaysia 

Special handle to open bail arm

Foldable arm

Bail arm open, to close back just turn handle

Put in 10ib / 0.26d

To remove spool lock the drag then turn anti clock wise the spool.

No push button on spool top

Small line Roller

This reel have no bearing drive 7x13x4 =2 pcs and rotor 9x14x5 = 1 pcs. For the rotor ori size didn't have so I replace 9x14x4.5 the 0.05 replace by washer..
Remove cover no bearing all plastic bushing 

Add few greese 

Bearing got it 13/7/2023.

9x14x5 ori didn't sale. I buy 9x14.x4.5, so i add 2 washer under the bearing become 4.5 to 5mm. 

No 47 reels. DAM QUICK 2 2000FD 2022. 
On 10/7/2023 buy another reel, this time my favourite brand buy for RM126. Buy at TCE seremban 2. Engineering by Jerman made in china. changes in DAM reels production. This my no 10 reels buy from May to July 2023.

1. Bearing = 5 + 1
2. Ratio = 5.2/1
3. Drag = Front with multidisc
4. Max Drag =8kg
5. Line test  = 6, 10, 15 lbs
6. Line die = 0.20 - 0.30mm
7. Folderble Handle 
8. Changeable handle Left/right
9. Aluminium spool
10. AVS
11. Made in CHINA 

Fill with mono 12 lb/ 0.30mm 

The pouch

No 48. KASTKING CENTRON 2000 2018 
No 11 buy from May - July 2023, Buy Rm 52  Have very positive review on this reel. Made in China 

1. Bearing = 9+1
2. Ratio = 5.2/1
3. Line test = 6 - 8 lb
4. Line die = 18 - 20mm
5. Drag = 12kg
6. Made in China.

13/7/2023 I got it, is Kastking Centron 9+1, from review, is a economy reel but positive feedback. 

Made in China

Put in Emo4  Braded line 15lbs/0.12d

8/2/2025 change a handle and add a balancer.
Blue crome knob

Blue balancer

No 49. 8/8/2024 DIY PEN FISHING ROD
Buy Rm33 a set of fishing rod pen from DIY. small, only 3.14 feet. Made in China. The reels can only use 2 ibs line . Eazy to carry around.

No 50. DIAMOND LONG MICON 2 1990++. Buy secondhand for Rm95. Market sale use above Rm100. Made in Korea. Not much scratch on body. Screw not yet open new. Missing handle screw cap. The rear drag cap loose. Miner paint corroded green stuff. I buy because using rear drag system
Little tight when turn, will be smooth after service.

1. Hi Speed Ratio 5.2/1
2. Aluminium spool
3. 4 ball bearing
4. Line capacity 3, 4, 5 pound 120 to 200M
5. Line diameter 0.26, 0.30, 0.35
6. Rear drag
6. One touch remove spool
7. Weight
8. One touch handle
9. Spring loded drag coil
10. Made in Korea 

Not mine, This long micon 1 box example.

Before total service.

missing nut cap

with green line

Small line Roller 

one touch foldble handle 

O.M.R Korea 

The anti reverse lever. All words still attach.

Real drag cap loose

All screw in good condition did't open mark.

Bail arm

Center shaft no bend, the rotor nut no open mark

Aluminium Spool with green Florence nylon line

The drag cap screw with debries.

The deag preasure spring rusty, still can use.

Drag preasure plate

Line Roller  shaft need to polish 

Not much greese dry 

Two ball bearings on pinion.

Dry greese with some small debris 

Double ball bearing no greese 

Both rotor with ballbearing hard to remove

All parts dismental 

Reassemble back add new greese and oil

Done cleaning and service

Put in screw with cap

Put inside a pouch 

No 51reel.23/9/2024 RYOBI ECUSIMA SS  1000 2005.
Secondhand Rm95 Long ocsillation, 1 ball bearing Made in Japan. Know new model Ecusima VI price  Rm200++. 
Look on condition all screw not open yet, faulty is anty reverse lock faulty and few scratch.

1. 1 ballbearing. (add 2 pcs = 3)
2. Gear Ratio 5.1:1
3. Line 4, 6, 8ib 
4. Line yrd  290, 180, 130
5. Line die 0.20 - 0.30
6. Hight power gear system

The box not my

Before total service 
The preasure metal plate no coroded 

Made in Japan 

Foldable handle 

All screw no scratch not open yet.

After removing parts found no sand enter. So not going to total remove. All greese look new but harden. The anti reverse not moving due to greese harden. So I just clean the old greese and  lubricat all the moving parts. Then add 2 pcs ballbearing on lhs/rhs main gear.
All lubricant dry

This the anti revers lock lever not moving stuck dry greese.

Gear for moving center shaft

Old Greese look new but harden dry. 

Using copper bushing

Add 2 ballbearing

Not remove all parts just clean the old greese add new. Special long Oscillation.

New greese and lubricant 


Rotor internal clean

Done service and clean

Put in new line 10ibs/5kg/0.26d

 A pouch 

Enjoy Fishing 🎣  🎣 🎣. 
