RC61. My Memory Having RC Car. My No 38 RC. Second HY Mantex II 2010..

Because of my first HY mantex II need a parts that difficult to get, i buy this second units on 21/9/2021 from a saler in Paroi N.Sembilan, meet up in paroi stadium and and talk about the units. This units Is spare parts for his running HY mantex. Prices is Rm100 + pos but deduction Rm20 for COD and given me 2 use body shell, all Rm80. I just buy it because the steering set still ok for my first HY mantex. What ever ori parts i will transfer to build up my first mantex II car project.
After done i cleaned up this units full of dust. It still look nice, many parts missing.

Parts missing

1. Front steering hub 2pcs lhs/rhs missing.
2. Front lhd C hub 1 pcs missing .
3. Missing 4 pcs wheel shaft
4. Missing 6 pcs bearing
5. Missing drive shaft 3 pcs.
6. No battery side stoper
7. No battery holder
8. No battery holder beam
9. No short rear belting
10. No center transmission gear set.
11. No servo holder beam
12. No 4 pcs damper
13. Missing front 4 pcs adjustable linkages 
14. No rear stabilizer bar 
15. No ball end 8 pcs
16. No 3 pcs wheels.
17. Chassis and radio tray spray gold colour.
18. Chassis bottom scratch (Normal)
19. Front bumper bottom heavy scratch 

Start bloog = 23/9/2021
Last up date Bloog = 30/12/2024
Sum for spareparts = Rm15.13
2010 - 2025 = 15 Years.
Made in China (🇨🇳) 

Before rework

After cleaning 
The radio tray gold colour i remove

Really rework on this rc from fixing parts paint, polishing. But not in smooth running condition for display only. To make it race need replace many parts. Will add parts time to time.
After deep paint remove

Bottom i spray rubber paint

Add mix adjustable linkages and a front stabilizer bar.

No rear short drive belt. Add rear stabilizer bar.

Most turning parts not using bearing only copper bushing 

Front and rear with use shockabsober that been service

The center transmission i have the bracket and drive gear. The rear radio tray i change with good condition paint.

DIY a battery holder

The bumper form other brand

No servo holder

C and wheel hub partly use, front use UJ.

Front and rear drive gear still new just service.

Rear use dogbone and new hex adapter.

Add cheap rim and rubber tyre 

Not fitted, steering set, ESC, Servo, rear belt and motor

A Nissan Silvia S15 2000. Use body

Found a idea to do a steering in a simple way. 
Parts need
1. A long adjustable linkages (Crawler)
2. A short adjustable linkages. 
3. 2 pcs long screw/nut to tighten on steering hub.
4. 2 same length post with servo hight.
5. 1 pcs spring servo horn.

The long adjustable linkages each end tighten to steering hub at out side trade hold. The toe in and out still can adjusted.

Need a lock nut at ball end.

Add jam nut both side 1 pcs or 2 pcs.

The length 12.5 inches also can use smaller because both end can be adjust.

The steering rod no touching 

Change the servo horn to a spring type, it to prevent servo from damaged. (Over turning)

Servo horn ball end i use long type and with a lock nut.

The servo bracket. 

The height should same as servo or can get a short servo..

The short adjustable linkages ball end cup size depend on ball end use better small size.

Each steering end tighten with nylon lock nut.

If can get servo in shorten length is better or longer servo horn

Test up yes it function to left and to right

11/10/2021 buy the rear belt 62 teeth for Rm6. 

12/10/2021 add a  belt tensioner post for front long belt.

14/10/2021 DIY rear belt tensioner post. Simple on.
The bracket have 2 screw hole, the ballbearing can change. But rear have adjustment.

Lhs view single ballbearing 

From top

Don't want to find the battery side corner bracket i buy a battery tray holder for Rm10.23.

Drill to new hold and tighten on chassis 

Add a small carpet under tray

17/10/2021 fix 2 pcs 5x11x4 bearing on the center transmission gear and 4 pcs bearing on wheel hub.


Enjoy RC 🚘
