RC58 . My Memory Having RC Car. My No 35 RC. HSP Flying Fish 94123 2001 from Brontosaurus 94111 Truck. 2023 November Project.

Due to lock Down in Malaysia another 2 more weeks, start build on 26/6/2022. Can't go anywhere i take out all the loose brontosaurus parts that still have and slowly rebuild no 5 HSP brontosaurus 94111. All left over is plastic. Slowly build up, after finish another 6 item need to buy. Will buy it when parts in cheap prices. This project no rushing. Want to save course DIY parts. After 5 weeks parts slowly arrive, fix in some and test it ok function. Another RC collection. Done on 17/8/2021..

On 6/11/2023 convert this 94111 to 94123 HSP Flying Fish 2001. No need to buy a units. The diffrent is chassis short few mm, front / rear shock stay, absorber, front/rear suspension, dogbone 61mm, radio tray, center drive shaft, front/rear/form bumper and rear body post.

Start bloog = 30/6/2021
Last up date bloog = 30/12/2024
Sum spareparts 94111 = Rm73.21
Sum spareparts 94123 = Rm141.38
2001 - 2025 = 24 Years
Made in China (🇨🇳) 

My 5 units Brontosaurus 94111 History.

1st = Brontosaurus all convert to blue, 100% option aluminium alloy parts change. This units buy new Rm450

2th = Brontosaurus partly aluminium alloy purple parts. Will change when really want it. Buy secondhand Rm100

3th = Brontosaurus build from loose parts from 1st and 2th brontosaurus, then convert again to Brontosaurus pickup truck medium wheels.

4th = Brontosaurus build from loose parts that i buy loose parts from hobby shop in cheap prices, then convert to HSP Kutiger rally car.

5th = Brontosaurus build from left over plastic loose parts. Done all function, no body shell. 
6/11/2023 start another new project for this 94111 Brontosaurus to 94123 Flying Fish.

2/8/2021 picture

Final all the 5 units Brontosaurus truck. 20/8/2021.

The parts need to buy
1. Propeller shaft 04003 = Rm5.10 (Order) Got it on 19/8/2021.
2. Axle gear 2 pcs front/rear 02024 = Rm 34.45 (Order) Got it on 27/7/2021 after 3 weeks.

3. Drive gear short 02030 front /03015 rear long = Rm9.29 both. (Got it on 16/8/2021)
4. Centre bracket 04002 = Rm14.70. (Order) (Got it on 29/7/2021)

5. Motor mount = Rm7.05. (Order). (Got it on 27/7/2021)

6. Gear cover 03401 = Rm14.44. (Got it 17/8/2021)

7. Suspention arm brace 02017 Rm4 (Got it on 5/9/2021)

8.Battery side holder 04004 Rm8. (Got it on 5/9/2021)

9. Add on switch holder 03008 Rm8.50. (Got it on 5/9/2021)

Total buy till this moment Rm73.21 Electrical parts i have extra. Will add parts next time.
Below photo what i rebuild a brontosaurus from left over scrap parts.

Front view

Rear view

From top rear

From top front

Add servo, servo arm, antena mount

Other side

Parts order slowly reach
Aluminium motor mount reach from China.

Kyosho brush motor

Add a cooling fan and close the fan with wire mesh.

Brush ESC WP1040

Ori come with small switch, i change to a big units.

Same problem need to add greese on it

No greese

Add a handle bar from hsp nitro on road for eazy carry

Parts will in purple colour.

16/8/2021. Next parts reach, i buy 2 set. Drive gear.
Order 2 set



Change all wheel to ball bearing in and outside.

17/8/2021 gear cover 03401 got it know left the propeller shaft.

Add greese


This my DIY proppeler shaft. Fix in for testing before get the ori unit.

Ori proppeler shaft 04003 got it purple colour 19/8/2021

All done, body cover still waiting. Mosly components plastic. Will not do another full change to aluminium part. This i prefer original. 


Motor side



Battery side

5/9/2021 order 2 set battery side holder Rm8 4 pcs and switch cover Rm8.50.

The HSP switch holder, mostly not given when buying HSP RC.

Second Project for 2013

On 14/11/2023 convert this 94111 brontosaurus to 94123 flying fish. New prices Rm450, buy secondhand is around rm250 to rm400, for up graded more expensive rm500. If buy just plastic parts around rm100++. All 94123 same parts diffrent in shock tower, shock absober, suspention, chassis with front sharp age, radio tray and rear/front bumper. Other parts I already have in stock will fix in.
First introduced in market 2001 until today,  famoust for drifting. 

Total sum in this 94123 = Rm141.38

The parts to buy when in offer.
1. Shock absorber 4 pcs purple 02002 rm22.92
2. Dogbone 61mm 02003 4 pcs rm8.42

3. Front lower suspention 02008 2pcs rm7.59.

4. Rear lower suspention 02007 2pcs rm7.59.

5. Rear bumper top plate 02064 1pcs rm8
6. Chassis 94123 03001 rm27.72

7. Rear shock tower 02042 1 pcs rm4.96

8. Front Shock tower 02035 1pcs rm4.96

9. Front bumper 02077 1pcs rm4.89

10. Rear lower hub 02061 pin 2 pcs rm2 got it 👍 

12. Rear suspention pin 02036 1 set Rm2

13. Steering hub 02014 purple rm10

14. Center dogbone 03003 purple rm4. Short few mm.

15. Radio tray 03002 purple rm10. 94123 short few mm

16. Anti squied bar Rm5.98. Rear bumper Change to this bar

17. Front bumper upper plate 02009 purple rm5.64

18. Rear hub 02013 purple rm11.64

19. Body post 020100 1 set rm4.25

20. Handle bar Rm6.32

Total Rm141.38

Flying Fish 94123 brush basic Car

15/11/2023 parts 94123 arrive started assembly.



Rear no body post yet.

Rear no bumper yet

Center no Radio tray / motor yet.

Electrical component in

Rear bumper I change to anti squid plate purpple.

New radio tray and and proppeler shaft

Change to aluminium steering wheel hub

Change rear hub

Change front bumper top plate to aluminium 

Add a handle bar on radio tray center eazy carry this RC only Rm6.32

Lhs Flying Fish 94123 EP / Rhs sonic 94102 Nitro. On road both same in steering /suspention parts.

Done 94123 Flying Fish 

Using a new BMW Z4 GT Body

Enjoy RC
