RC52. My Memory Having RC Car. My No 30 RC. CEN CT5 1/10 Nitro 2005.

Another old collection i buy secondhand on 19/9/2020 in Nilai 3, For only Rm9.09 + spare parts. Total is Rm100 + other 11 categories loose parts. My no 30 units of RC.

This units i get at the stor of this rc shop in a box, condition really dirty and oily and missing front suspension parts. I not sure what brand, then saw CEN on the bealting. Check is a CEN Rc. More study is a CT5 2005 RTR, because the axle using gear not ball differential. Then serching for the front hub, suspension parts, dogbone and other parts at this rc shop. Found few item. Already 3 hour serching for loose parts. Go back clean and repair necessary item first, if missing parts come back search another round. 

Start bloog = 18/9/2020 
Last up date bloog = 30/12/2024
Spending spareparts = Rm39.54
2005 - 2025 = 20 Years 
Made in USA (🇺🇸)

Below what i found missing or damage in this CEN CT5

1. No fuel tank.
2. No engine
3. No tune pipe
4. Front Lhs/Rhs Suspension top bottom arm missing.
5. Missing all dogbone
6. Wheels Axle shaft 3 pcs missing
7. No 2pcs servo.
8. No front bumper top, bottom and foam.
9. No receiver 
10. Dirty with oil stain 
11. All wheels hex missing
12. All ballbearing dirty with oil and sand.
13. The plastic pulley gear worn off. 
14. No body post front.
15. No body cover
16. Chassis under heavy scratch 
17. No wheels
18. Missing 4 damper.
19. No tie rod, rear for toe in. 
20. Front rhs axle mounting crack
21. Front axle lhs/rhs drive cap missing
22. Rust on metal parts
23. Some screw using big philip screw due to loose track. Some use hex screw
24. Some ball end missing
25. No engine plate or engine mounting
26. No transponder mount
27. Front 4 pcs suspension hinge pin missing.
28. Some screw using super glue to tighten bracket not tread lock.
29. Damage front bulkhead lhs. It for tightening the hinge pin.
30. Missing battery bracket.
31. Missing steering arm and tie rod
32. 1 pivot ball missing.
33. No brake pad.
34. No rear aluminium brace.
35. No front wheel hub lhs /rhs
36. No sway bar front and rear 

Good parts 

1. All belting no damage
2. Rear suspension almost complete not remove.
3. Rear wheels with ballbearing and front/rear differential.
4. 2 speed gear good condition
5. Graphite radio tray

The original image 

The ori Box not my

Finaly looking deep into web side found the CT5 PDF file. Download and make my own Assembly manual.

Only using This Exploded View as my guide line assembly parts.

Condition of the RC filthy dirt and many missing parts. But rear suspension almost complete. Will repair with necessary parts from other Rc.

Another side, the 2 speed gear in good condition 

Front suspension parts missing, bumper, body post, the front and rear using gear axle not ball differential.

Rear suspension, missing dogbone and axle shaft, damper.

No dogbone, damper and adjustable rod

Rear belting 

Side belt tensioner post

The 2 speed gear in good condition

The side belt still can be use. The belt tensioner bearing rust.

Brake and acc linkage rusty  

Side no fuel tank and 2 bending wire is for fuel tank, after serching for the damage fuel tank in this shop couldn't find, mean this units using smaller tank.

The steering servo location and missing steering arm the steering post still attaches. 

The center belt in mint condition still dry, if in oil condition it will damage it, missing screw

The center long belt the teeth in 50% condition

The engine location no engine plate, With oil and dirt stains 

Under chassis heavy scratch normal conditions 

Dirt everywhere 

Rusted handles bar

Front lhs axle mounting crack at screw mounting

Center shaft and acc servo location

Rear shock mounting and body post

Front shock mounting missing body post and ball end

Graphite Radio tray Know it after cleaning. The switch 

Center belt

Front and center parts remove 

Side belt and 2 speed gear 

Pulley gear worn off

The suspension pin is bigger then my other rc

Using hard greese 

The gear still ok

Some of the parts found in new and old conditions, for front suspension 

Done all dismantle 

That the stains in this car. All my tools need to be clean.

Soak in detergent to loosen the dust and oil

After 3 hour soak, the water in dark colour and oily. This rc never wash before. 

Really hard to clean parts, some with thick dust mix with oil that will stick on body. Terrible old owner really just play no service. Because some screw really tighten. 

All clean parts. But some need to dig out the stains that stick on narrow passage. Some need to use WD40 to clean it.

All ballbearing clean and add bearing oil, some parts use WD40 to clean it.

Even the screw spray with WD40 

Clean parts if found stain will use WD40.

Front axle mounting crack. No spare parts for this section found yet, i reglue back

Use super glue hold tread loose.

Mounting for hex screw crack, it for tighten front lhs hinge pin.

Small Pinion gear worn off but have new parts

Total new grease 

Done front and rear, the gear still can use.

Only this parts that i have, need go back to nilai 3 hunting again. It take me long time to assembly it the picture not clear instruction. Foam, body post, lower bumper braket missing.

Bottom view

I have the steering arm set in new when i buy few bunch of rc parts.

For rear suspension it take me 2 hour to finish, many parts missing, so dig in my spare parts look for the right size. Even the rear pulley I follow the CT4 manual using 16T, the short belt can't fit then use longer belt 26T too loose. After long study found out CT5 using 25T pulley the belt longer 63T. The is no brake pad need modified using thick gasket paper.

Bigger pulley

CT4 using 16T. CT5 using 25T

Match some parts from other model. Many CEN parts missing.
1. Wheel shaft shorten few mm.
2. Wheel Hex
3. Dogbone.
4. Toe in adjustable linkage.
5. Missing ball end.
6. Use other car damper

Found 2 pcs dogbone.  

Some parts use from other rc.

Done top view rear

Rear only missing triangles bracket for the adjustable rod and rear sway bar.

Almost done some parts need to search for it at the rc shop again. Because he sale this product before so should have left over loose parts

Clean and full restore back suspension. No missing parts. Only front suspension. 

Add a damage fuel tank first. Engine bracket missing.

Just to show the full parts on radio tray, 

Nice looking clean not like the first time i get it.

After clean, now can see some area have deep scratch and sanding down few area and all screw same no more hex screws 

Not going to run this rc only complete and display. Some parts on radio tray damage just dummy. All top screw use same size no hex.

23/9/2020 rc parts hunting again in nilai 3. This time looking deep in the parts slowly search and dig under some boxes or tools box. Happy to get the parts i want the front suspension arm. Found rhs in good condition and found lhs but with broken arm they already glue no new part just grab it then go back slowly repair back, front complete bumper, battery bracket, engine bottom plate. And other loose parts total i pay Rm20 for CT5 parts and Rm20 for other loose parts. Now left only the fuel tank. Next round will be thare again looking for servo or other loose parts 

First lot of loose parts just for Rm20

All the loose parts for CT5 that they open and just put every way. Buy for Rm20

The engine mounting plate 

Rhs complete 

Lhs arm broken old problem can't get new, repair back. Super glue and add two tan gum all round. Not going to run this Rc for displays only. Lhs arm thinner then Rhs i think from  TS4n

The new battery side bracket.

Complete Front bumper and body post

Bottom view bumper 

Complete front suspension 

Only fix rear stabilizer bar, no bras bracket just tighten with a bend washer. For front i need go search for the ball end bracket at nilai 3 rc shop again.

Last do wheels alaiment front camber 0%, toe in 1%

Side view

Rear camber 0%, Toe in 2%

For this units i use the old protoform body mazda

20/10/2020 again to Nilai 3 RC shop looking for loose parts, got the CEN tune pipe, aluminium drive gear, long belt and wheels bracket.

Each parts just For Rm1.30 only.

Ori CEN tune pipe. Mostly this plastic tune pipe will be change to aluminium tune pipe for batter performance.

Last i buy a damage loise engine, manifold, flywheel, caburetor i make a show engine for this RC. 

Finally all parts in can't get the FueL tank. Will search in Time Square or other rc shop in kL.

Ori fuel tank G70315 looking for it. Shoopie and lazada not sale. Ebay yes. 

Only this spare parts that i found. Will keep looking into this shop. 

Another self motivated day done. Next looking more secondhand RC. Enjoy RC

1/5/2024 got one pcs front lower suspention arm. I change know both lhs rhs same parts.

Lhs parts for TS4n

Lhs /rhs same designs 

Change to aluminium Hex

Add new receiver wire tube

Add fuel filter and exjaust return air cooler 

15/5/2024 change the damage front rhs axle mounting.
Top the allen nut seat crack

Enjoy RC
