RC49. My Memory Having RC car. My No 27 RC. Kyosho FW05S Jpn Edition 2006- Convert from 2016 FW06. .

This time on 24/6/2020, looking for wheel Hex for my bronto, no stock in the rc shop i go in seremban. Then ask for loose parts for bronto, the shop owner ask me to the stor to look at a loose brontosaurus, what parts i want open and take. Found a half cut rear bronto and the best is under a big box, i found a nitro car Kyosho FW06, missing lhs rear hub, no dog bone, axle shaft, tyre, linkage, no steering servo, body, Engine can't turn and coroded, dirty with dust, fuel tank HSP and crack, air filter sponge damage. Front lhs no uj, drive axle bearing and wheel. So ask the shop owner sale to me but he thing twise. Last he ask me give my best price for two item, i just give him the figure Rm100. Stright he say take it. So this units is only Rm80 and the half cut bronto Rm20.
This Kyosho belongs to a customer sent for repair around 4 to 5 years ago didn't come to collect. Still new when sent for repairs, put in stor until coroded and dirty in this few year, parts is been remove and sale to other customer who looking for fwo6 parts, rear rhs suspension parts is been remove. For me i have all the parts in stock. So i will redo back this units. I thing this FW06 is from 2016. Happy get another same rc. This my No27 units RC car.
This is how some people want to play because look at other friend play, buy but when damage don't no how to replace sent to shop but leave it thare few year. This is a kind of person not really intrest in RC. After do some research in this units found it have some accidents before front rhs ball end 2 pcs bend, damage the bumper sponge, bumper screw bending, listed problem found in this FW06.

14/8/2020 convert from FW06 to FW05S Japan Edition just to have fun. I didn’t change the changeable double speed gear and centex System.

Start bloog = 24/6/2020
Last update bloog = 30/12/2024
Spending spareparts = Rm142.90
2006 - 2025 = 19 Years
Made in Japan (🇯🇵)

The ori box not my

The ori image not my

The assembly manual 

Problem Found
1. Front lhs steering linkage missing.
2. Front lhs steering hub both ballbearing missing.
3. Front lhs no tyre.
4. Front lhs no UJ, found the prices for 2 is Rm220 in toykar KL
5. Front lhs 2 pillow ball bend and 1 pcs rust
6. Rear lhs no suspention arm
7. Rear lhs no wheel hub. Prices for 2 pcs Rm39 toykar KL
8. Rear lhs no wheels
9. Rear lhs no linkage.
10. Rear lhs no axle shaft.
11. Rear lhs no wheel hub.
12. Rear lhs no suspension rod
13. Rear rhs shock absorber top wrong fitted on ball end.
14. Rear lhs no shock absorber
15. Rear lhs no dogbone.
16. Rear rhs suspension arm rod using different brand, not ori.
17. Fuel tank from HSP buggy not original kyosho
18. Fuel tank crack.
19. Fuel tank screw on wrong position top and bottom.
20. Chassis full of sand, oil, dust
21. Chassis under heavy scratch.
22. Engine jamup can't turn.
23. Engine body corroded, oil stand, sand.
24. Engine drive shaft fine scratch
25. Engine inside moving parts dry no lubricant
26. Carburetor jamup.
27. One engine screw to chassis loose
28. Air filter damage
29. No steering servo.
30. Bumper lower 2 pcs screw heavy bend.
31. Bumper sponge torn bottom.
32. Front/rear axle maint gear no greese almost worn off.
33. Suspension arm too tight due to rusty rod.
34. No car body.
35. Side Silencer miner dent
36. 2 wheels can't use dry and crack

What have or parts still good.
1. Receiver battery Nimh 1600mah. After few charger/discharge still can use.
2. Using Flysky 2.4 receiver and function
3. 2 speed gear in good condition.
4. Engine using aluminium clutch shoe.
5. All wheels with ballbearing, 3 pcs missing
6. This units no overturn, because look at all the 4 body post no scratch. Mostly when overturn the body post will scratch heavily. Look new.
7. Gear inside axle in good condition.
8. The acc kyosho servo still good.
9. Shock absorber oil all 3 pcs in clean stage, no leaking.
10. All suspention arm still in good condition.
11. Engine cooling fin no scratch no overturn when body is been use.
12. Pull star rope in good condition normally use long time oil will stick on it.
13. Engine clutch bell in good condition
14. Brake pad still good.
15. Glow plug wire silver colour

The condition before total clean up. Lhs front and rear parts missing

RHS side parts no missing.

Engine dirty, damage air filter and jamup, fuel tank not original HSP.

Top view

Rear view rhs missing suspension parts 

All parts missing, remove and sale parts. 

Front suspension view, missing parts in rhs.

Under carrage front heavy scratch also rear 

Front form wheel, still tick but not strong enough dry and crack. long storage. 

Rear wheel can't use anymore long storage.

Rear lhs shock absorber wrongly flitted on the pillow ball. To remove the shock need unscrew the pillow ball. 

Receiver/ Battery compartment inside dirty with sand

Inside with 1600mah battery for receiver 

Not using the ori battery holder for 4 pcs AA battery. Using VB Power 6v 1600mah battery pack. Not yet charge 

Not using kyosho perfax Receiver, last owner change using Flysky 2.4hz

The on off switch position on, mean the Receiver still on, but the battery power dead. Next check the receiver. 

Still attach will be remove and fix to my first kyosho 2007 FW06

No steering servo

The accelerate servo from kyosho KS101BK.

The acceleration linkage 

Removing the radio tray

Bumper and body post in good condition but the form bumper bottom torn.

Damage lhs bottom, hit some thing because bottom bracket screw 2 pcs bend.

The centre and last screw bend can see the chassis badly damage

Hard to open

This fuel tank not from kyosho, after research it from HSP 02004

Because using different fuel tank, tighten on diffrent location

Tighten beside the ori location. 

A screw hole on radio tray.

For back top no tighten only at bottom.

From bottom tighten on the overflow passage.

There a crack on rhs, if want to use back need to glue it. But on 2018 i already buy a FW06 fuel tank for my Redo project just for RM25, Will put to this RC

The two speed gear and brake calipers still in good condition.

The engine clutch bell, not changeable 

The center plastic shaft this front longer rear shoter

GLX 15 Kyosho Engine jamup. According to the shop owner this Rc come in that time engine ok. Due to long storage 4 years oil dry up.

Front the air filter damage, so dirt going in side the carburetor because the carburetor shaft in open position. Due to run out of battery power, servo has a electric disturbance. That why i will put a return spring on the servo arm.

The cab not close position jam, cab full of dust

Pull start, can't turn the engine 

Top view. 

Glow plug still ok, filament silver colour

 Not using engine mounting,  tighten to engine body with 3 bracket. Dirty with oil stain 

Bottom the two back screw realy tight but front loose

Can't use starter box to turn the engine, flywheel position not center.

Using kyosho Silencer not tune pipe

Dirty with old and new dust

Some tree sead or flower stuck at the rear shaft 

So big 

Full of oil stain 

Removing the center parts. Under need chassis dirty with sand

Still good the 2 speed gear set no damage or loose parts.

Start removing the parts and study if there any damage before cleaning, Engine, Front suspention, rear suspension and 2 speed.
Side view oil stand and body corroded with white powder

Front view 

Side view 

Pull start view 

Bottom view 

Silencer body coroded become powder on top surface 

Other side 

Scratch, this item higher then chassis but still chip off mean he had an accident on lhs.

All remove inside clean not much stubborn stain.

Clutch bell gear not much damage 

Using a aluminium clutch shoe, not the hard plastic clutch 

All remove

Set of 2 speed housing. Not too dusty

Side view 

All parts remove

The dirty and jam carburetor 

Side view, look like the needle in lean side.

Fuel inlet nozzles reall dirty

Damage air filter.  

Remove all parts 

The pull start. No oil stain on the rope. Front view 

Back view clean 

Removing the pull star inside housing clean no oil stain 

The pull start casing inside dry up

Removing the cylinder head. The piston not in BDC when it stop. After long storage jam. Look at the body with corroded powder.

The piston rod and shaft inside the engine too dry, still can't turn. Need to spray WD40

From the carburetor hole, the shaft have miner scratch

Fine scratch and dark stand is rust

All remove 

Loose engine parts before cleaning 

Bumper parts

Steering rod no ballbearing 

Front steering/suspension set

Bottom view

Look at the gear dry no greese.

Removing the axle case

Remove the axle cover, total dry up no greese and gear worn off 

Front using one way, not drive axle. Will up grade using  gear.

For the front suspention shaft hard to remove due to rusty and dry rod

The pillow ball rusty and little dent

Rear suspension set

Back view 

Axle gear no greese 

Same grease dry up 

Rear axle case using oil Still clean. Just topup .

This rod total rusty. When i remove it not the original rod.

Rear hub. Dirty with sand on ballbearing 

In side ballbearing big.

The blue chassis top dirty with oil and sand. Bottom heavy scratch.

Total dismantle before cleaning

Sock it into detergent to remove the oil stain 

That for parts one, buying, before dismantle and after dismantle. Look like this Rc just buy new, after accident sent for reparing and put at the shop for 4 years and didn't  Come and ask. Now it belong to me. Next will show after cleaning and assembly back..
The suspention arm and hub rear i have stock with me, will do what ever i can to restore it. Need to buy few parts the rear axle shaft, front UJ, 2 ballbearing, 2 pcs rear suspention rod now im using ori rod from other kyosho brand. Wheel hex bracket,
The clean parts 

The clean parts

the clean parts

All the 3 shock absorber oil still clean, just add some more oil.

Front fully assembled, clean no uj need to buy only left 1 pcs so i didn't fix see the prices if expensive i will change using dogbone.

Front view, the bumper sponge damage parts i put on top.

Rear clean suspension set, same one side no drive shaft missing, axle shaft, dog bone, wheel hex and ballbearing need to buy new.

In side view clean

The scratch can't do much, leave it. If i sand it down then Respray blue paint can last long like original paint.

Lhs is the original fuel tank 

A put the kyosho servo for steering control. Still in good condition.

For acc i use k power servo is a metal gear.

The 2 speed gear 

Other side 

The radio tray in and new fuel tank. 

Total service

Clean engine 

No more corroded powder.

Change two rear shock absorber, original one pcs missing 

This units i change 2 rear bulk set to Low, Original is High.This parts is to lower down the suspention arm. Picture on rhs bulk is higher. 

The suspension arm lower stabel

This high. From my first FW06. Bumpy if too high.

DiY air filter

Add a battery checker, for receiver battery. Will show how many power left.

Put a DIY tuning dise. 

The radio box cover i add a pin so eazy to open.

To make it easy to open the radio compartment cover i use a screw with aluminium head. Most of the time use screwdriver. This product from HY Rc for tighten the battery bracket. 

To make it more fun i will convert this units to Kyosho FW05S 2006 Jpn Edition. Future front differential using gear, 2 speed, stabilizer bar front rear, only didn't have changeable clutch bell gear and also exhaust manifold, Engine same .
Ori FW05T chassis kit come with 2 speed, no front and rear stabilizer bar and front one way. For FW05S supra body, single speed, no front and rear stabilizer bar and front one way.
FW05R with centex clutch, special radio box, with front and rear stabilizer set and with front differential gear.
First i change the front and rear suspension carriers, shock absorber tower and rear hub. The axle housing and 2 speed housing is same. Next order the Fw05 Radio Box VS051 from kyosho Malaysia Time Square. Finaly VS051 Radio Box arrive from Singapore. 14/8/2020. Now This Units Is Kyosho FW05S 2006 Jpn Edition. Next may be to change is the fuel tank and rear suspention arm, exhaust system.
The box

Front shock tower FW05 parts. 

Front suspension arm bracket, FW05 parts. 

Rear shock tower FW05 parts. The stabilizer bracket is behind later i will DIY.

Rear suspension linkage bracket, FW05 part.

Change both rear hub, using V one RRR. Same as FW05

FW05 using same parts..

Both rear wheel Hub can use, but FW05S using lhs part, FW05 R using Rhd parts.

Because this units i want to change to FW05, so i replaces the ori fuel tank to this square fuel tank from Hong Nor. If found the same tank i will change. 

Add a fuel filter 

The kyosho Silencer i change to tune pipe from my kyosho spider. Only left the manifold. 

Add a return spring for acc servo. If receiver or remort battery week it pull back to 0 position.

On the engine flywheel i file a grove for BDC. Position stright up the carburetor, when stop i always put the piston on bottom BDC.

Reach from Singapore on 14/8/2020. Buy for Rm30

Kyosho FW05 radio box

The new radio box FW05

Lhs view all screw position to chassis is same

Top view

The centre propeller shaft using plastic in FW06, so i change to metal dogbone 

Fw06 using plastic shaft

Using metal dogbone, original FW05 using .

For front differential i remove the one way blog change all using gear. Now both front whell move freely.

On 19/8/2020 searching for FW05 parts in nilai 3. Found few just buy for Rm30 loose parts
1. Use old kyosho fuel tank.
2. Rear lhs/rhs suspention arm.
3. Pillow ball
4. Front stabilizer set.
5. Ball bearing.
6. Rear stabilizer bar from other car.
7. Rear axle drive shaft.

After fixing need to find 4 pcs dogbone and 4 pcs out side wheels bearing .
Loose parts just for RM30.

Front stabilizer bar

Rear lower arm and hub fix in need to find the outside bearing and dogbone.

Lhs and rhs resr suspention done FW05 parts. The difference FW05 is the stabilizer bar bracket is out side the suspention arm same location with shock bottom stay.

Rear lower arm is different, lhs for FW06, Rhs FW05. Can use the FW06 parts but the stabilizer ball end tighten on top. For FW05 at side.

Lower view

DIY rear stabilizer bar 

Cut out 2 pcs aluminium bracket as stoper

For the old FW05 the rear stabilizer tighten at the suspension arm. The new FW06 is at the center .

This square fuel tank only tighten 2 screw at bottom only. Not on the frame.

On 13/9/2020 found the rear suspension parts at the rc shop i go. The parts is at the bottom of the box. Last time i ask the shop owner he say don't now. This time i take my time serching in the box. RM 20 for all the parts i buy HSP buggy, front brontosaurus bumper and this kyosho FW06 rear suspension. So all 3 different parts if i calculate is RM6.66. So i assume the brontosaurus bumper and kyosho parts Rm5. Each Rm2.50. Hsp buggy Rm15
Now i have 4 same shock absorber and 4 wheels.

Found the lost parts

All 4 shock absorber same parts.

Now all 4 wheels same, can't use anymore the form tyre crack. For display only.

From 1 front tyre i bought last, found 2 spock dent, it mean this rc have accident on lhs. That why when i bought it all lhs front and rear no parts.

A deep cut on the foam tyre 

Photo show all done only wheel axle before convert to FW05S Jpn Edition.
Done total service 

other side view 

My two units FW06. Lhs 2007 product and Rhs 2016 product. No different after 19 years. KYOSHO FW06 until 2020 still produce parts no change from 2019 using KE15SP engine with black big cooling fin.

Now two different car with same chassis, 2 speed gear, axle gear and axle casing. 

My next project for this FW06 convert to FW05S JAPAN EDITION
That it, other people trash now is my valuable RC.
Now after long waiting for parts on 15/8/2020, Kyosho FW05 radio box arrive. 
The 2006 Owner Manual Japan Edition 2.

Got a copy of 2003 FW05S assembly manual. Single Speed with Tom's Supra Body. Can be use as reference 

Done most parts is FW05S Jpn Edition only two more item the changeable clutch bell gear and manifold 

From rear view

Side view 

Front suspension 

Rear suspension 

Front view 

Rear view 

Using back my tune pipe from my kyosho spider only the manifold need to change. Kyosho have two parts.


The radio box

In side the box Receiver at rhs

With switch at top, 

The low battery indicator location

From top view

The antenna location.

Have few more FW05 parts, will go back nilai RC shop looking for more spare parts. 

Front Wheel alaiment. 

Rear wheel alaiment. 

Using this Dohs body .

Front view

Back view 

Top view

Done from FW06 convert to FW05S 2006 . Thank for reading. HAVE FUN and ENJOY LI
On 19/9/2020 parts hunting found few more FW05 clone parts. Only 2 originals kyosho rear suspention arm at rhs 

Found same day just few cent. A short manifold 

A sport tune exhaust system.

On 13/1/2021 i start the engine still ok , very hard to find tune, the plastic tune pipe not good for tuning heat up slowly. Can't give the engine a good idling need to find a aluminium tune pipe. If new engine is ok. Looking or buying new.

On 23/1/2021 i buy a aluminium tune pipe from China for Rm28.41. Almost same chamber with VRX tune pipe but inside the 4 hole is bigger.
Cheap tune pipe from China 

All complete for Jpn Edition 

20/3/2021. Change the steering plate from plastic to aluminium, again found it in nilai3 rc shop in loose condition. Change also the bushing to ball bearing on steering arm bracket.

27/5/2021 add a fuel tank cooler buy from China Rm8.15. 

Enjoy RC
