My Hand 🤳 Vol 3 Collection.

For this volume 3, i redo no full photo. I accidentally erase all the story, picture, know i only attach some photo i keep.
Until today's I already own and collected 82 units hand phone, 1 missing. Up date 7/3/2021. Still get the old phone from flea market, some give to me free.
Old phone still the best to collect because have many model and shape, not the smart phone all the same only the program.

Start bloog = 12/12/1919
Last Update = 12/6/2022


8. LG = 1 UNITS
9. CSL = 2 UNITS
10. BM = 1 UNITS
12. OPPO = 1 UNITS
15. Missing = 1 alcatel db wap


My no 52 phone, Ericsson PH388 1998
Buy rm10 but forget to write in blog, all function battery damage due to coroded. Manage to clean and charge but can't last long.

My no 53 phone, Motorola C113 2005
Buy at fleamarket Rm10. Checking using jump battery it function. Funny phone top round shape..

Funny round top

 My 54 phone, CSL Blueberry 7100 2005
Give to me free, look like pro smart phone, but look inside program image like cartoon. Product from joint venture China/Malaysia.

Many button look like pro phone. 

My 55 phone, Nokia 1110i 2006 (First)
Buy rm10. Change casing, all systems function. This phone imei last number is 7, newest batch, i buy another units last number is 0. 

 My 56 phone, Nokia 8250 2000 (Asia Spec)
Buy for rm15 fleamarket seremban, see the difference between asia and euro spec

The key pad more bigger

My 57 phone, Nokia 8250 2000 (Euro Spec)
Given to me from my niece, it a euro spec, have wap.

Smaller key pad.

My 58 phone, Nokia 2300 2003
Buy in fleamarket Seremban Rm10. Condition, no rear cover and dirty. All function..

My 59 phone, Nokia 3315 2000
Buy for Rm5, condition bad no casing and dirty. Go back check still can on, put in sim card came out on LCD refer to service. Check again there a sticker returns, This phone only used sim card provide by a company. After check it from Philippines change the cassing that i bought long time ago.

Side the  specker 


Charging Port, ear plug port

Top on/off switch 

Rear cover remove 

The blue light, can't enter program need to use sim provider 

My 60 phone, Nokia 1100 2003
Buy in fleamarket Seremban Rm10. First test not function and keep a side for long. One day i remove all the parts and check, i press some terminal yes the LCD light up. So all the contacts point i clean up and fix back, find a new cassing.

Key pad rubber if use long term eazy damage.

My 61 phone, Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini E10i 2010.
From my niece, condition battery bulgy and cover crack. Build in battery. I remove the battery, need to order from Lazada is around Rm30 ++.
All function. now looking for the new battery. 

My 62 phone, Sony Ericsson W980 2008
Given to me from niece, they just put in one side soon it will go into dustbin, better i keep it, function phone. 
Flip phone

My 63 phone, Sony Ericsson J105i Naite 2009
I have 2 units damage can't on. Found this units in white casing for Rm10. can on but LCD fault interchange the LCD with one of my damage phone. All functions but phone key lock. Try few number cod still not yet crack it. So find the ok casing in red.

Need to crack cord

My 64 phone, Sony Ericsson T200 2002
Buy long time but didn't check. Still can on only display unclear the LCD fault. Buy it because hard to find.
Colour phone second generation of T68

My 65 phone, Sony Ericsson W705 2009
Buy fleamarket seremban Rm10. Slide phone
Small function faults but done repair 

My 66 phone, Sony Ericsson W810i 2006
Buy in fleamarket Seremban Rm10 with LCD damage, buy another replace this set. All function.
All function

My 67 phone, NOKIA 108 2013 (MADE IN Vietnam)
Buy in fleamarket Seremban on 8/12/2019 for rm10. Condition can on and enter program without SIM card. All functions, no rear cover, LCD a small line ,faulty but it ok. Looking for a new casing got one Rm12.

Front 108 and 107 almost same

Side nothing a full cover

Rear center camera, 107 no camera

Top charging port, ear plug and touch light

Rear cover remove

With 2 SIM slot and a SD slot at side

With SD 

With battery BL4C. On phone not same just to testing.

The phone on. A red line on lbs only this fault but no disturb.

The rear camera

My 68 phone, Samsung A10s 2019
Buy new Rm 529. On 10/12/2019 in Port Dickson. Because my Lenovo phone problem again, this time the touchscreen 123 not function. already 3 time sent for repair on warranty. If done repair i will keep as spare. Must buy new phone, this A10S new in market before is A10. 

Year release September 2019
2 RAM/32GB
Duel camera
Finger scane

The Box

Side of thr box

The Specfication

Come With seal, box, open box

The box for user manual and warenty card

The phone rap with a plastic 

Inside the charger and cable 

The pin to open sim slot 

Volume control

Bottom the specker, mick, charging Port and ear plug Port 

Side the on/off button 

LCD on

Back view

My 69 phone, Samsung GT-E1228 2012 (Made in China)
This phone buy for Rm15 New phone. From a reject shop, This shop buy from Lazada which customer didn't collect, In one lumsum or individul. Then they bought over and sale cheap. This box no manual, ear phone.
The  box dented



Inside the box, phone, battery and charger.

Just 3 item phone, charger, battery 

Side charger Port and earphone port. 

Rear cover remove 

Sim slot. Below the sticker is from china.


Screen on

My 70 phone, Lenovo Z10 Lite 2019 (Made in China)
Buy for Rm270 on 24/4/2019. 2 RAM/ 16 GB. Since bought 3 time faulty but under warranty. First the charger connector loose, second no charging and third 123 not function touch screen fault already 3 week still repair. I get back this phone after 3 weeks found another problem the screen not proper glue always come out. Because of the problem i buy new phone Samsung  A10s. For this after repair will keep as spare. Then found out from a sale girl Lenovo only produced until Z6. So Z10 is made by the company who make Lenovo phone. But quality side not that good. In end 2019 Z9 is sale. Even in GSM Arena didn't show this phone. The battery sudden bulgy in 2021 battery can't charge. So don't buy unknown brand check at phone arena.

Out side cover, inside box

The phone

A simple User Handbook

Back cover

The back cover can be remove, i modified a net so that the heat can escape when hot.

The side volume button 

Side on/off switch 

Top the charging port and ear jet. Funny most charging port at bottom.

Bottom mick, specker 

Back cover remove

Two SIM slot and SD slot.

Only 2000mAh not even one days the power can hold if i play game and not ori from Lenovo


On full

Ear phone

The charger very small and no Lenovo symbols

My 71 phone, Nokia 3310 New  2017
Buy for fun new 3310. Buy in Taiping, The old 3310 very famous of it strong electronic that will not damage even fall from hight grount. But when i look at the new 3310 it will eazy damage if drop.

My 72 phone,  Samsung SG-E1200T 2012
Buy in fleamarket seremban for Rm10 on 12/1/2020. All function, no battery, the rubber cover for charging port missing.The cassing still in good condition.

Front all white colour,

Side top the charging port, rubber cover missing.

Top is the touch light

Bottom mic

The key pad cover is rubber


Rear cover remove. No battery

The battery and SIM no SD card slot

Phone on. I am using my modified battery

The small screen

My 73 phone, Siemens A35 2000 (Made in Germany)
Buy at seremban fleamarket Rm10 on 12/1/2020, no rear cover, top housing crack, terminal corroded and broken, no battery, the sim terminal fault, open and clean then test wala can on, first test using modified battery. Then use it origin battery, all key pad function, but need to press hard. Know keep what ever it is. If found same phone but damage will replace.


No rear cover 

Both side same nothing 

Top antenna 

Bottom charging port 

First try on using modified battery. 

Then use original battery. All lights green

The words not that clear, i didn't remove the LCD yet.

Key pad rubber Eazy faded .

The ori battery

My 74 phone, Sony Ericsson C510 2009.
Finally got one in good condition. Have 3 units but damaged. First units can on lcd faulty, looking another 2 can't on, thinking lcd ok but damage also. Buy for Rm10 in fleamarket Seremban on 27/12/2020. Don't want to open every parts just clean outside. 





Other side

M2 slot

Charging pot

Camera switch

Volume key



The key pad

On starting

In progrem

Battery location

Back camera

Battery BAT38

SIM slot

My 75 phone, Nokia 3100 2003
7/3/2021 fleamarket Made in Hungary. Buy for Rm10. Have battery but no juice. Go back clean it, charge battery. Test all function. 

Front view, this casing not original

Side lhs view 

Back view, cover can see through 

On/off button

Bottom view 

Thick rubber key pad


On famous nokia logo 

Resolution colour display not that bright,

Battery area

Battery BL5C little bulgy, still can charge

The id code, made in hungary

Sim location 

14/3/2021, another weekend looking for vintage things in seremban fleamarket. Got another 3 units phone, 2 Nokia and 1 Sony Ericsson. Now days phone collector cool down, not like 2 years back rushing. Me also slow but still searching.

My 76 phone, Nokia 6100 2002.
Buy for Rm10, test before buy, it function. Back home remove and clean all the dust. 
Black colour 

Back view

Rhs nothing

Lhs is the volume button 

Top view on/off button 

Bottom view earphones and charging port

The key pad key few faded, if can find new casing i will change it. 


Rear battery cover remove 

Sim card location 

Screen on colour phone

In side progrem ok can call in/out.

My 77 phone, Nokia 1280 2009
Black and white screen. Made in India, Buy for Rn10, very famous phone in Vietnam. Has torchlight.

Charging port

Another side nothing 

Back view 

BL5C, this battery include with this phone,  bulgy still can charge.

Key pad rubber faded 

The plastic glass become yellow. Need to buy new cover

Ear jet and torchlight 

Bottom mic

Battery cover remove

Sim location

Seri number. Made in India 

On the famous nokia logo 

Simple progrem 

All function.

My 78 phone, Sony Ericsson W580i 2007.
Slide phone, walkman phone, buy for Rm10. problem the screen top faulty but still can see, buy same phone before lcd problem too. Given battery too. 

Slide phone, the cover body have some paint faded.

Charge port

Another side volume control 

Back view 

Top lhs power switch, center M2 slot

Bottom view 

Battery cover remove 

Orange keypad

Top keypad 


Sim face up insert 

Series number 

2.0mp camera 

Screen top problem

Progrem still ok

Including this battery not original silver

All my colection 2021

March 2021 picture. 2 pcs not in side. 1 missing alcatel db wap and Samsung A10s now taking picture.

My 79 phone, Nokia 1110i 2006. (Second)
On 2/5/2021 buy secondhand only Rm10 no battery cover. When i tested with my own battery it on. Then back home recheck and look into this phone specifications, then i notis some diffrent 1600 suppose is colour phone but this is black/white. Then check the imei number is different on sticker at housing. This is 1110i with future talking time and date, mean some one replace with 1600 casing. Will buy the 1110 full cassing.
This i mei last digit is 0. 

The housing and cover is Nokia 1600, but circuit board is Nokia 1110i

Different imei 

Got the new casing, buy only rm6 from china. 7/7/22

My 80 phone, Nokia 6070 2006.
Made in Hungary 
Buy secondhand for Rm10 fleamarket seremban. All function.

My 81 phone, Nokia 2100 2003.
buy secondhand fleamarket for Rm10. Still function only side body miner crack.

My 82 phone, Sony Ericsson Yendo W150i 2010. Touch screen 
Buy secondhand Rm10 fleamarket seremban on 12/6/2022. No fault only cosmetic.

Back view colour faded 

Volume control 

USB port

On off switch, ear jack 

Enjoy reading 
