RC44. My Memory Having RC Car. My No 24 RC. Yonezawa Hi Power Off Roader Buggy The Missiler 1/10 1984.

On 14/10/2018 morning another sunday, go for treasure hunting in flea market Seremban. Stall after stall go threw nothing intrest me. Last is a second hand shop. Just went inside at rhs my eye cought attention on a box that a buggy rc picture on it. Closer look woooooo is a 1/10 buggy, look at the box all badly damage torn. Take it to a side and open it, wala a red buggy inside, a remote, Folded instruction manual, the battery charger. Take out the buggy and check the rear tyre already damage and motor can't turn. Looking for the brand Yonezawa, i have no idea. But made in japan. Ok i want it, the prices on tag Rm80, ask for best prices Rm50 but ask to reduce to Rm40. Deal sold yahoooooo. I buy another vintage RC 1/10 Buggy. This my 24 collection.
After paying go to a shop taking my breakfast and slowly look into the net and found out it around 1980 Under YONEZAWA CORPORATION JAPAN. This the second model 1/10 buggy from Yonezawa Corporation My is from 1984 according to the instruction manual printed, but in the box is 1985. The box buggy is yellow but my is red.
About this company, Also known as Yono or Y. Founded in1950 Tokyo. Production in electrically operated and mechanical toys. Involve in radio control year 1980 first is 1/10 Wave Hunter buggy.

Start bloog = 17/10/2018
Last update bloog = 30/12/2024
1984 - 2025 = 41 Years 
Made in Japan (🇯🇵)

Not my buggy. Just to show the first product buggy

Back home slowly snap the picture and remove parts, study this buggy. The Electronic component inside the car have 3 battery compartment, Transmiter with 6 AA battery, Receiver with 4AA battery and to run the motor using 7.2v Nicd battery. Very funny 1980 electronic is individual current. This buggy has been repair by previous owner because i got a wire diagram inside the compartment. The wire for motor not proper sholdering and insulater, water can enter. For the motor can't turn. After removing the motor it stuck and i turn slowly it turn. It stuck because rust on motor carbon. Greese using hard type but all dry up like a peace tin foil, single speed. All moving component using plastic bushing can change to ball bearing. All tyre rubber become soft due to long storage. For rear tyre damage but front still can be use. Rear wheel rim can be change and using hex adapter. Servo for steering different can see the motor, the Esc using mechanical and servo to control it. The rear swing axle on rhs mounting damage but wrongly modified with a long bend screw.

The faulty found
1. Motor can't turn
2. Rear 2 tyre damage too long storage become soft.
3. Front 2 tyre rubber become soft too.
4. Missing remote antenna
5. Lhs bumper frame damage
6. For rear motor housing damage at rhs been modified
7. Rear wheel hex pin bend.
8. Electrical after testing some problem.
9. Box damage
10. The greese in drive gear total dry
11. Sand inside motor
12. lhs Chassis miner crack

Specification of this buggy
1. Scale 1/10 Off Road Racer
2. Size Length 383mm Width 139mm
3. Motor Mabuchi RS 540S
4. Battery For driving motor 7.2v Nicd, Transmitter penlite um3 x 6pcs, Receiver Penlite um3 x 4 pcs.
5. Suspention Front Trailing Arm, Rear Swing axle mono shock.
6. Frequency 27.255Mhz build in. No changeble crystal.
7. Rear wheel drive. no transfer gear.
8. 1 speed
9. Esc with two speed

This not my just to show the good condition box

Below i will show the condition of my buggy before total clean up and repair
This the condition of my buggy box.

Box side view

Side 1/10 The Missiler

Another side


Bottom view

Torn box need to glue and add solofin tape.

The best is Made in Japan so the quality is good.

Super Hetrodyne also call superhet. A type of radio signal that used frequency mixing to convert a received signal to a fixed intermediate frequency witch can be more conveniently processed that the original carrier frequency. Woo look like ers 80s super Hetrodyne very good frequency. Like today 2.4.
In the box The Red buggy not yellow acording on box cover.

The transmitter missing antenna.

The Transmitter stick type.

Control stick and power on / off

Steering control stick left and right . Bottom is the steering Trim adjustment.

The forward and backward stick and power control trim.

The power on/off button and led indicator

Top antenna location. Missing

Side view

Back view whare battery location.

Using 6 AA battery.

Battery in

Led light up ok

Inside the remote simple

ori antenna missing using my spare toy grade antenna

The battery charger for the 7.2v NICD..

Not tested yet

The wire also become harden

The charging port on body for 7.2v Nicd Battery.

At the transmiter compartment the instruction manual at bottom .

Fold it into round

Open up a big paper size of 2 A4 paper.

Front page

First page

Second page

Third page

Fourth page

Last page

The red buggy

No broken parts.

Rhs view

Top view

Front view

Rear view

Bottom view

The copyright. Made in Japan

The lock key to remove body from chassis

Side by side

No structure damage only sticker

Some sponsor sticker

The crome cover look like a engine top cover

Rear wing

Fold in side mirror

Fold out

Inside view

Use 4 AA Battery for receiver

Battery in

The white connector for 7.2v battery for driving and the power on/off switch

The front tyre thinner and rear big mosly buggy car using this size.

Front rubber tyre with 4.50-15 inch and Off - Roader singn.

The trade almost 10% left.

The front wheels using 2 plastic bushing can be change to ball bearing

Front steering arm no greese is apply too dry

2 each side plastic bushing

All parts remove front suspention

Rear tyre 16.50-15 inch with Off-Roader singn

The trade spick almost gone.

Lhs rear,Long storage rubber become soft and harden

Rhs rear, Crumple in. If i remove the tyre may be will fall aparts the rubber no more elastic.

The special rim with 5 hold attach on the plastic hex.

The wheel hex

It hold by a pin like new RC

From top

Both pin bending due to over tighten

The rim patent in and out

Don't know what it for after look into the manual haaa a plastic wrench for wheels nut.

Use for long time it will worn off.

Front bumper

Crack bumper normal for secondhand RC

Front suspention Trailing Arm.

Toy grade shock absober

Rear swing axle with single shock absober.

Toy grade shock

Toy grad shock

The steering linkage a servo with 2 non adjustable rod.

Plastic servo horn

After remove the electrical cover the servo not fully in the casing. The motor apead out that can couse water or sand entering. 80s servo not one pcs like today seal from dust.

No cover at back and can bunch of wire.

Rear axle case

The motor location

Complete axle remove

Remove the motor cover. Look like this motor stuck can't turn

The motor look new

Pinion gear top housing rusty

After turn left and right the motor can turn freely

Mabuchi 540s motor

Test on a battery can turn slow need to spray with WD40 remove the dust.

Removing the gear cover

Due to long storage the greese dry up become a thin filem.

Single speed

All 4 plastic bushing can change to ball bearing

Not using transfer gear. like other toy grade with low and high gear.

All the axle parts

Single speed gear

the long shaft

A modified rear axle mounting by old owner. The screw really difficult to open really tight and un even when screw come out.

The axle out but screw stuck is bend

A fail modification

The bracket broke but force in until screw bend.

The antena location

Removing the electronic cover top

Bottom cover

Miner crack chassis

1980 system

Servo to control mechanical speed .(ESC)

Problem using this when battery out of juce it will not go back to 0 position. Like ESC.

Front steering servo. The both servo not fully seal. Buggy most run on dusty road too long small dust or water will damage it.

Charging port

The wire to motor not proper seal

Found a pcs of paper at the circute board.

An old wire colour and it location from old owner.

Top view elecyronic component remove from chassis

Bottom view so many wire.

The chassis parts

Body parts remove

The tyre and rim

Inside and outside rim

Small size rim

Compare the rim size is smaller then normal 1/10 rim.

Next is to clean it

The next photo is after cleaning and assemble back all parts.
Fully washing

Done assemble the electronic component

Modified the wire more longer for motor. So if next time remove no more using soldering. Just plug out the D plug

Bottom view

Add new white greese. For the ball bearing i am using back the bushing. Need to order from bearing shop. Look alike my spare bearing but diffrent at center daimeter

The rear axle. For the motor i add a male D plug.

Eazy to remove

Done total service

The daimeter of the shaft bigger.

Battery in, Testing time.

For the rear tyre i modified a traxxes off road 1/12 Tyre and rim.

1/12 Tyre and rim from Traxxes

Because the shaft end is too long the rim can't tighten fully. So both side i add 2 hex adapter size 7.0mm and tighten it hard. 

Testing time yes the system function 

Front suspension all moving parts add some greese 

Using my left over antenna for the chassis

Tighten with screw on the bracket

This wire is thicker.

For the rear axle carrier on rhs that damage . I add new bushing glue it and use a hard hex screw to tighten.

The finish resault

The after cleaning and repair all function 

Still using back the front tyre if found i will change it.

Rhs side view

From top some sticker faded due to washing

With new tyre and rim

The happy resault

Another collection of mine

That the end resault, i manage to repair and total clean. All electrinic function but not 100%.Still have some glichering due to old system but anyware still can function left right and forward reverse. My no 24 collection. Thanks.

Answer to question given
Red + to yellow wire also + to switch

Yellow wire solder to center switch pin, row with only use 2 pin. 

From the receiver s black thin wire to the charging port.

Hope u get what u want.


Anonymous said…
Great work. But I need help: I don't know where I have to put the wires from 4 battery box to...and the small black wire from receiver? Where? Please, help me...
Rallyboy said…
Two wire from battery + wire to switch , switch with 6 pin find pin only use 2pin this + shoulder to center pin.
The - wire shoulder to circuit bord
From resever there a thin black wire to the charging port.
I will attach picture
Fábio said…
Great!!! Nice tires!!! Does anybody have Land Dash manual in pdf or send me a link where i can find it? I have a almost new red land dash, but without manual.... :(
My email: fabiomalves34@gmail.com

Thanks so much for the help !!!!
RandomCoder said…
During Covid lockdown I have had lots of free time on my hands and have revived my old Yonezawa Missiler RC car. Unbelievably the original battery held charge and gave approx 15 minutes of play. All fully functioning.
I've owned it from new, I think I was around 10 years old when it was given to me as a Christmas present. Had many hours of fun playing with it and hoping that my son will also get some enjoyment from it now.
Rallyboy said…
My, time been just keep as vintage. May be one days i will do modification using ESC and Receiver. That the fun parts to do modification or DIY parts.Thanks have fun in RC.
bro jack said…
The Blog was great here you something more interesting things that you can explore The 1:24 4 Function R/C Car from MyFirsToys offers exciting remote-control fun, featuring forward, reverse, left, and right movement. It includes a battery, ensuring hours of playtime. Perfect for young car enthusiasts looking for an engaging toy.