RC40. My Memory Having RC Car. My No 20 RC. 1/10 - 2008 Thunder Tiger TS4N LUXE.

Another RC car buy same date 4/2/2018 in Rasah toy shop. This is THUNDER TIGER TS4N LUXE 1/0 scale, nitro on road RC 2008. Luxe and Plus almost same parts diffrent in colour, Engine and shock tower. I buy for Rm66.66. Maybe my is the first new TS4N before plus. The engine also different. Luckly i have some parts for this RC that i buy in loose parts in a big bag. This is the second generation TS4N. Serching on net there are 2 different TS4N, The first generation with alum radio tray TS4N PRO and Sport or Gold. New with two type TS4N Plus and TS4N Luxe, all RTR. Problem can't get the instruction assembly manual in detail. It take me realy slow to fix every thing just looking on overall image. This Rc have a big accident..

Start bloog = 9/2/2018
Last update bloog = 30/12/2024
Total Spending = Rm 66.66
2008 - 2025 = 17 years 
Made in TAIWAN (🇹🇼) 

Full of parts no broken, but this my heavy rework rc i never done it before. Problem found

1. All metal parts screw, turnbuckle, rod in rusty condition.
2. All Damper low oil.
3. Body dirty with dry oil and dust
4. Battery not remove from battery holder.
5. Bottom chassis heavy scratch.
6. Caburetor can't move stuck
7. Center belting heavy damage
8. Damper oil all 4 pcs dirty.
9. Engine cyclinder stuck can't turn full of dry oil and dirt.
10. Engine cylinder head dent and crack overturn without body cover.
11. Fuel tank inside dirty with dry oil and dirt
12. Front rhs top arm bend
13. Front and rear drive gear no greese
14. Rear side belt missing
15. Radio tray center dent.
16. Some screw bend, mosly from damper screw
17. No receiver
18. No air filter
19. No fuel filter
20. The handle bar bend to back,
21. The exhaust have no return pressure nipple.

The worse is the cyclinder head the screw worn off really hard to loosen until i need to drill off the top screw head. For the cab some parts i need to hammer it. Slug in the engine is harden until i sock it in WD40. After remove the engine crankshaft, i look at the shaft with small scratch that mean fuel contain dirt no filter is been use. Look like this RC is left in a wet condition. The battery for electrick system not remove, when study the battery from year 2004. May be this owner buy at 2004 to 2007. It mean +/- 12 years just left the car un attend.

Not mine just to show the New image TS4N PLUS

The body from Thunder Tiger for TS4N Luxe

This is TS4N LUXE with different shock tower and colour

Found the instructions manual inside with overview image as reference to assembly this units. PDF download.

For me this RC is my challenge, i very happy. It take few days to repair and fix back.This is how some RC owner only know how to play but don't now how to take care. If this RC really in good condition it still can sale in good prices. Start doing on 6/2/ 2018 end on 9/2/2018 - 2am

My car Top view

Badly damage center belt no more rubber.

Damage handle bar and heavy rust

Damage engine cooling fin and stuck engine

Thare is no nipple for the return pressure hose, 

Fuel tank

No Additional filter inside dirty with dirt.

Missing side belt

Front suspension and bumper

The rear shock tower not alum but hard plastic tower

Rear view 

Bottom view with scratch, normal condition for secondhand RC

Only this side heavy scratch rear too low

Front under view

Blue form bumper

Small radio box and attach with 2 servo

Servo for acc and brake, look at the heavy rust

Steering servo

Rear shock and stabelizer bar

Front shock and stabilizer bar

Battery didn't remove

No receiver and on/off switch

The stuck cab

The rust turnbuckle

The rust turnbuckle steering rod

damage engine cooling fin

Rusty axle

Fully damage center belt and rust screw

Steering arm

Inside the tank dirty

Front steering knuckle

2 speed gear and alum gear

Rusty linkage

The rim 

Rear rusty axle hub

Rust rod

Exhoust monifold dented back

Radio box

Came with this AM 27mhz Remort Jaguar

B) Some photo removing and redo parts
TT Pro12 BXS engine

The body with dark and harden oil and dirt.

Exhaust side

The cab top view same dirty and stuck

The cyclinder head with damage cooling fin.

The pull start the one way bearing can't turn

Thick dry slage and too dirty inside, crankshaft can't turn bearing jamup.

100% dirty

Inside this is how it look when a engine after run didn't servicing for long time.

Cylinder head screw damage 2 due to loose head trad, I drill and hammer to remove it.

scratch on crankshaft mean fuel to dirty 

All the parts remove 

Put inside a plastic container and sock it with WD40

Let it until all the dirt and oil become soft.

The handle bar twiste and rusty

Most the rusty parts need sandpaper to remove the rust.

No rear belt

No side belt. The tension bar to protect the shaft from breaking

The fuel tank out side with sand inside slug

Total damage center belt

The fuel tank location

Engine location


Un lever top plate

Missing all the belt rubber left the string don't now what happen and how long this  rc left under sun and water

The radio and battery box. No receiver.

The battery date 2004, but another mark is 2007 , so this battery siting in the box for may be around  8 to 10 year.

Servo attach at box for throttle.

Bottom servo for steering

Steering linkage total rusty

Rusty and dirty rear parts

Ruty and dirty front parts

Damage screw. Some screw with same problem

The 2 speed gear still in good condition

From back view

Heavy rust on rear axle

All the damper have no leak. Only 2 with bend screw and damper stay

From investigation look like this rc has a small accident 

Rust every ware. Luckly all the bearing not damage by rust

Still in good condition the gear

Total dry up

Rear parts remove

No damage 

Bottom view

All the parts

The parts 


Puts some parts inside a contaner and sockit with ditergen to soften the dust

C) Some picture after wash and repair
The clean image

Clean chassis

Back suspension

Change to small adjustable linkage

New belt rear 177

Plastick disc brake

Front new bracket

Change to a belt tensional adjust bracket

Top view

Front end with new belt

Front view

Front belt from CEN

Steering linkage no more rust


Side clean rc

Side view

Total clean fuel tank

Hard spring

No UJ all use dogbone

Rear under no rusty screw. The scratch can't do much

Front under

Under chassis

Add a fuel filter

New alum gear

Engine attach last

The 2 servo still functiin

Clean engine

Diy air filter, next buy new.

Clean exhaust 


Clean under engine

New parts

Cab clean

Top fin crack

Pull start



Side cleen look

Time been this are the resault what i have done to this worse RC. The next to start the engine and add my extra body. on 9/2/2018 the engine started very tight comprese. I pull the engine start up and can run. Uuuu what a release another 12 engine can be use.
I change the rear shock tower to carbon frame 

View from inside the screw too long, need to buy short screw replace

Same to front shock frame change to carbon frame

Inside view all the body tower using different brand

The engine can star up and run, need adjustmen on needle but as long it start this engine still can use. Time been a display rc in my room.
Change the turn buckle to thicker, the hex and the wheel nut. Some is plastic can use loose.

Receive this exhaust with out the nipple pipe, the return presure tube just slide into and there a gap. So when  want to off the engine i only pinch the fuel hose or the air intake, mosly we also can close the exhaust pipe, but when i close the exhaust pipe nothing happen the engine will not died mean thare a air leak. So came a idea using a fuel nipple from thunder tiger brand at bottom i use a nut to tighten it from inside.

The DIY project. If still leak i will seel the nipple with special exjaust glue witch can stand the heat.

I have this extra TR202A Am Receiver from  ACE. Match this RC. After puting in compleated electrick system all function from steering turn to cab open / close valve. If money have extra i will change to 2.4 receiver. 

Final adjustment is wheel alaiment Front and Rear camber and Front and Rear toe.
Front and Rear toe in 1 degree and all camber 0 degree.

Still have spare parts for this RC

The final results done clean and all adjusted

Using back the old body, Nissan 350Z, china brand return Niassan.

Not going to buy new body, this units for collection 

9/8/2021 add a exhaust air cooler

Will add photo if change some thing in this TS4N. Enjoy RC
