Fishing 🎣 22. My Fishing Hobby. My DIY Rod holder.

To hold the rod i use tree branch with Y shape to put my rod. Even in boat just put at side or they provided. To over come this problem i DIY my rod holder. Material metal and PVC.

Start blogger = 7/10/2017
Update blog = 1/3/2025

1. The land rod holder i make 2 set with metal. After finishing the project try up. Need more improving, on weight. Too heavy it around 1++ kg.

Using  46 inch Lenght metal rod

Metal pipe with 3.6mm Daimeter

The length of pipe is 7 inch.

weld 2 pcs metal become H shape with hold on both side.

Tighten the pipe and rod with 1 screw/ nut. The pipe can adjust to the degree u like.

2. My second  land rod holder. same size ..
For my second rod holder i secure it with 2 screw it become 90 degree

To adjust the pipe, need to remove one screw.

Due to the weight i need to change the pipe to PVC pipe. soon still thinking how to build it without wealding.

Below is my rod holder for my deep sea fishing. I DIY few design using  G clame .

A)  My first DIY rod holder clame using a pcs metal weld it. Use a rubber wheel to turn the trade rod to clame on boat body, but too shot. It a fail projeck. Most of the parts i use is recycles parts. Only parts i buy is the metal rod with trade.

The wheel is from troly wheels i tighten with 2 nut on the trade rod i buy. At the end is a water pipe cap, i weld it. The main body from a pcs if holo metal bar, weld at lhs and rhs end with un moveble bracket but can remove.the top rod holder i use troley wheel bracket. Due to shot lenght i remove every component to other design.

This is a damage glue gun, remove some parts become a aluminium pipe as my first try up.

This is the troly wheel that i use for my rod holder

B) Second DIY now using G clame and metal pipe for try up. Too heavy to carry around.

This time i just attach the pipe at side and tighten with one screw and nut.

I am using this for the first time then change to PVC pipe

using a screw with rubber, it a car bonnet stoper. The 3 hole is adjust the pipe hight.

Same using a car bonnet stoper for adjust the position of the pipe

Top view

 Fail project again too heavy,  if i put 2 same size G clame, Another one on other side .wooo the weight can reach 2kg.

C) My thirt try up.
Same size G clame but this time i use the troly wheel bracket that can turn 360 degree. The flat base i use 2 L shape bracket to hold it

 Drill some hole to adjust the pipe hight 

The 360 deg turn bracket and use a L shape bracket to tighten to the wheel bracket and to the G clame front and rear.

To stop it turn around at top i drill some hold and using a long pin as stoper.

I drill 3 small hold on bracket

use a long screw as stoper, my metal stoper missing.

D) Again making the 4 rod holder, this time using wider G Clame
The top ly wheel bracket can't turn, the pipe i change to pvc pipe.

Drill some hole adjust the pvc pipe

E) Another funny DIY. All metal. Is my boat clame. Never use the boat side is too wight.

Daimeter 1.5 inch, long 7.5 inch

wrongly weld the nut, must be outside that make the gap smaller. To tighten use long screw.

Use a door hinge to hold the pipe and body

To adjust the high of the pipe. Lower down the bracket and tighten

F) My final rod holder projeck  This time i saw a special jig on tackle shop it crome and made with aluminium. Rm300. Expensive my friend using the same rod holder, i borrow it from my friend and told my friend who doing welding work to copy cat it. after finishing 70% copy. Still heavy.
The diffrent is i am using pvc pipe with 2 different size, and this jig is heavy 2kg++.

Side view. The main body made by holo bar.

Bottom view. The hole is for the clame adjustment.

Top view. The hold is to reduce the weight.

Front view. The holo bar and thickness.

The back view. A nut for tighten the clame to boat body.

The adjustable lock key with sharp edge.

The two sharp edge is to grip to boat body. This jig to use in wood boat not fiberglass boat.

This is for front adjustable clame

Top view. The pin is to put into the small hole on bottom main body

The small hold is to adjust the lenght 

This for holding the rod pipe. Made it removeble

Tighten with 2 screw

Side view with few hole as for adjust position of the pipe.

Tighten on top of the main body

Using a bigger daimeter pvc pipe that can put in my deep sea rod.

3.6mm daimeter, thick pvc pipe

4.6 mm daimeter thin pvc pipe

At end pvc pipe two hole drill then use a long screw to tighten it. To centerice the pvc pipe, add washer on both side.

The second screw for hight adjustment. Only 4 stage to top and 2 stage down

The red and orange G clame is mine. The far end my friend rod holder that i dublicate.

After long storage some parts rust. Need to respray every thing. Total spend RM30 all metal is free. The thing i buy G clame , PVC pipe, tread ion rod, paint.

Next project A tackle box with rod holder on it. Few days ago i went for window shoping, i saw this big tooks box, body made with metal, lock metal, side cover made by plastic with side pocket and a ultility plastic box. Top cover with handle plastic. Internal have a moverble tray. On that time one idea come why not combine it with 2 rod holder on the back. Just use 3 L aluminium frame as to hold the rod holder. Total course is around RM200. Waiting for the right moment to get money and build it.

In 2017 go to a sport shop and found they also sale some fishing tacke from Dunlop brand. Saw this moden line sencer when fish pull the line, my lucky days mega sale just for Rm49 from Dunlop sport normal price Rm150. Made in china.
A set Rm49 from Dumlop

Back with other country language 

Bite Alarm with Bankstick

Mega value Rm49

Normal price Rm145. Pound £19.99

MADE IN china

From Dunlop Sport.

The set came with
Small book inside didt show anything how to assemble or use it.

Two type of rood buff grip

Two extending bankstick

If don't want use the alarm i can use to hold my rod

With the bite alarm

Swinging indicator more preasure on line

Attach on the stick

The alarm

Side with on/off switch and volume

Back view

Battery location

Bottom view

The tread attach to the stick

Ear phone jet . Not given earphone


The roller the line on top

If the line is puling and the roller turn blue light will on togather the alarm

Alarm specker

This rod holder found on beach side, forget to take.

1/3/2025 found another rod holder on beach, owner left it. Very heavy.

Next don,t know what gajet i will found in market. Still looking .

