RC32. My Memory Having RC Car. My No 15 RC. 1/10 - 1986 TAMIYA SUPERSHOT 4WD ELECTRIC BUGGY.

On 13/04/2014, late going to fleamarket in Seremban, around 12pm reach there, Walk as usual then sported this Malay guy call Mr AJAK, always have RC car to sell. There are two on the ground, one unknown name another Nikko, all two is buggy 1/10. condition no name buggy is bad all tyre harden and broken, some spare parts missing but nikko condition front tyre rubber missing. I grab the buggy without name and ask for the prices RM50, and then i bargen RM30 he say take it, he don't want to keep more longer same time call me to buy the Nikko Buggy too, Nikko buggy is normal grade toy.
Go back slowly dismantle and take photo after open the bottom cover the name appear TAMIYA RCC HotShot Buggy - Made In Japan. OK happy get another 1/10 buggy this time, many missing parts and damage parts for this buggy. The suspension damper is 2012 parts Super Hot Shot 1985 suspension damper have two pcs. The rim from Hotshot is yellow got white, the chassis have no top cover, I think the previous owner mix it or up grade 1985 to 1986. Do more research there are 3 version 1 = 1985 Hot Shot, 2 = 1986 Super Shot, 3 = 2012 Super Hot Shot.

My is 1986 1/10 RC 4WD SUPERSHOT BUGGY. This is the first 4WD electric buggy in 80s by Tamiya. It sale worldwide and very famoust because in the market no RC buggy came out with 4WD system, in 70s most buggy with RWD. In 2007 this buggy on sale again after 15 years end production and it equipped with ESC. 2012 again new RE Release version call Super Hotshot. 

Start bloog = 15/04/2014
Last update bloog = 30/12/2024
Sum for spareparts = Rm482.48 
1986 - 2025 = 39 Years
Made in Japan (🇯🇵)

The list of missing parts or damage.
1. One damper spring adjustment missing
2. All 4 drive shaft missing.
3. Propeller shaft missing.
4. Front bumper missing.
5. Front lower guard missing.
6. Center lower guard missing.
7. Battery plate missing.
8. One Bevel gear missing front No 4x4
9. Front bumper stay missing 
10. Dummy head missing.
11. All 4 rubber tyre damage.
12. No body and wing.
13. Tie rod for steering missing. 
14. Not much ball bearing in use, most using bushing, Need to buy 12 pcs (11x5x4), 4 pcs (9x5x2.5) 
15. No on/off switch
16. No steering servo
17. Chassis plastic eazy brake long storage
18. Front shock stay bend.

It the end i manage to clean up and add some parts, motor, servo for front steering, the rear battery guard, antenna, so i can see the rear buggy shape. Then need to go down town to buy more parts but not in the hurry. I will slowly repair it. 
Another problem with tamiya plastic parts after 10 or longer year the plastick become harden and eazy broke. Not like other brand soft plastic. Many complaints about this problem.
1st Generation 1985 Hot Shot

3th Generation 2012 Super Hot Shot

The1986 package Include.
1. Ready to assemble R/C model kit
2. Adjustable oil dampers i & Rear
3. 3 step forward and 2 step reverse speed control
4. Shaft drive 4WD with high performance RS540S motor
5. Front and rear double wishbone suspension with anti roll stabilizers
6. Monocoque ABS resin frame Polycarbonate body and wing plus metal roof
7. Requires two channel, two servo R/C equipment and Tamiya regular 6V, 7.2V or 7.2 8.8. Racing pack Ni-Cd battery For maximum performance use only Tamiya Ni-Cd Batteries.

2th Generation 1986 Super Shot .The original look

The Assembly Manual 

The 1/10 TAMIYA 1986 SUPER SHOT 4WD Buggy. The condition before dismantle.

Front view no bumper to protect front end and servo arm.

Rear View

Under View the battery bracket missing and under cover.

Front suspension without drive shaft.

The damper and damper stay (bend) 

The front rim and tyre. The rubber is harden and crack

Rear rim and tyre with triangle wheel adapter

Rear stabilizer rod

4wd Rear gear box propeller joint without propeller.

The old ceramic resistor

Rear Damper

The Cock pit without dummy head

Ghost  driver

The on /off switch location

The aluminium roof

The front top suspension arm

The front bottom suspension arm

The front gear box bottom view

The front gear box joint without drive shaft.

The motor location

The rear wing attachment bracket

Rear suspension top arm

The rear suspension lower arm

The battery location

lhs is the propeller location from back to front

The battery location bottom.

The bottom compartment housing for servo, ESC, recever.


Front gear box with propeller joint

The rear propeller joint

Rear stabilizer bracket

Rear stabilizer set

The rear damper bottom damper stay loose

The rear damper

Damper parts

The roll cage


Made In Japan

The rear suspension

No drive shaft for rear suspension

The Wheel hex using triangle plate can be change to normal aluminium hex, the rim need to change also.

Rear tyre  (Racing Size 12.50-20 Super Gripped), Front Tyre (Racing Size 9.50 - 20 Super Gripped)

turn bulgy due to too long on ground 

Inside the rim

When remove the tyre from rim all rubber break

Pcs to pcs will find if sale

The Rim white not yellow

The wheel adapter with ball bearing outside loose.

Inside using bushing need to change all to Ball Bearing.

The Upper arm for rear suspension

The 2012 ball end for rear damper.

Bottom arm rear suspension

Both usage bushing and ball bearing.

Rear Gear box housing

The alum bracket for rear bumper stay

Inside the rear gearbox

Drive Gear

The spur gear and bevel gear missing one

Set of gear

The propeller drive gear

The parts

The rear drive shaft wheel axle

The bottom bracket for Battery plate

The bracket for rear stabilizer

Front wheel carrier Loose

Top View

The Front suspension arm

The lower arm with damper stay

Front Gear box

Inside the gear system

This photo is after cleaning and redo. The tyre on loan from my Kyosho some parts to add in as to show the Buggy rear  image

Just add a motor to show the location

Bottom view add a alum plate to hold the battery but too soft thing other idea

Servo arm for front steering location

Time to time i will add image until this buggy can run

 Modification  / repair 15/04/2014
Two pcs DIY hard alum plate to hold the battery

Manage to get a HSP buggy drive shaft  just only 2 pcs RM20

DIY Bracket to attach rear wing

The original wheel adapter using Triangle mounting, i Change 6mm alum adapter

Modification / Repair on 18/4/2014
The rear gear box now with full ball bearing

From bushing to ball bearing

The front knuckle arm lhs and rhs loose due to worn off bushing the red colour to overcome this problem i use a shrinkable tube on the Ball connector.

Cut the tube according the length of the ball

Put it in and head the tube until shrunk.

The end result

Before fixing back, add some grease or oil on the outside tube surface and inside, fix every thing back and turn the arm to let it smooth. if no grease it really tight.

Open one dummy head from TB01

The On /Off  Switch

My Crazy idea add one more damper in front

Use a hard spring, Not yet drive this buggy soon

Modification / Repair on 19/4/2014
The roll bar i spray to yellow colour

No body cover, I DIY a cover from alum and paint red colour.

Add a servo 

My old ESC just to test this buggy from my Kyosho buggy

The small receiver

All in the compartment

Modification / Repair on 20/4/2014
The original Rim i spray silver chrome, only tyre need to buy.

The final condition, This buggy only using RWD due to front one bevel  missing,  Condition 70% done, parts to buy 12pcs ball bearing, body cover if have sale, bevel gear, propeller shaft, buggy tyre, 
Add some sticker to make it look good

Bottom front a DIY a alum to cover the servo arm

Using a 450 Motor just to try the condition of the gear. so far it in good running condition. If have extra money i will buy one new motor.

Temporary using my Kyosho tyre

Modification / Repair on 21/4/2014
Use my extra bumper from kyosho to protect the front suspension arm

Below cut a pcs of alum plate to hold the bumper.

Due to the alum cover too thin and damage easy, i DIY two pcs alum hard bracket.

Modification / Repair on 24/4/2014
Add Front Stabilizer bar

Modification / Repair on 13/5/2014
Due to no propeller shaft, i DIY with a aluminium Chopstick. End Resault can be use.
A pair just for RM1.80

Cut the length same as original Propeller shaft

Drill a hole at both end

Find the same size pin/shaft for the hole.

The pin should be in center, each end should be same length

If can aluminium welding better 

Use glue to hold the shaft

Or use super glue

Only use this mated on close propeller joint

Insert in to the propeller joint

Modification / Repair on 11/6/2014
Buy new ESC Brush can use Lipo or Nimh Battery RM55

Using Ribbed trade for front. This buggy using rear wheel drive front bevel gear missing so no 4x4

Rear Bowtie Trade

Modification / Repair on 30/07/2014
Change all the wheel hub to ball bearing (8 PCS RM48)

Using rubber seal ball bearing

Modification / Repair on 16/08/2014
My first DIY body cover not nice most parts is peace by peace using glue to joint it. so what i did i use a big peace of aluminium plate and custom made a complete body without joining the body parts.
The first body cover

Bottom View

Second DIY Body, no joining parts

Bottom View

Same colour red

Bottom View

On the RC car

Add some stiker

Add 2 dummy sport light

31/8/2023 found saler from sabah sale bevel gear 19440510 for Tamiya the frog Rm60 order wait. Ori number 9440510. From ebay this frog can use in hotshot.

4 more item use condition i buy from Perak Taiping for Rm44.50
Bottom protection cover 1933569539

Front gearbòx housing 179115191

Front/Rear drive gear 19005167. Bottom rhs for Frog.

Ball plate new 19805123.

6/9/2023 got all the parts, build back 4x4 system. Remove front housing the old cover crack. Bevel gear same size
Bottom old parts same size

Bottom chassis cover.

The old housing crack after remove

Lhs old but in good condition

Done assembly front axle fully greese and 4x4

Front dogbone fixed

Using the DIY proppeler shaft. Need to find the ori

Bottom cover fix.

This units almost with ori parts only need to find 
1. Body cover
2. Ori tyre
3. Dummy head
4. Sport light
5. Front bumper and form 0005115/9005164
6. Battery plate

On 8/9/2023 order another 2 use parts from Taiping perak Rm 44. Proppeler shaft and tyre/front suspention arm.
Not sure condition 2 big 2 small and front suspension arm

The ori proppeler 4135006. The saller did't mention from with RC. I make a comparison with ori image it a same.

11/9/2023 got the parts, some parts plastic almost crack 30 years. 3 tyre same size 9.50/20. 1 pcs 12.50/20. 1 tyre crack 3 more still can use, i use the tyre compound to soften the rubber. The rim crack. The top front 1 pcs suspention arm broken (Frog). 2 pcs bottom ok. Proppeler same can use

This front tyre 1 pcs

Rear tyre 3 pcs 

Rim crack, tyre rubber harden

Only parts given

Crack and damage parts

Same size

spray tyre soflen compound. Wrap in plastick 

Same size

I manage repair two rear wheels. Front rim damage.

9/9/2023 Oder 2 front buggy tyre Rm19. Got it no glue. Inner daimeter big the old rim loose.

On 23/4/2024 found few mix parts from hot shot. The dummy head, side sport light, on/off cover and rear wheel hub

