Fishing 🎣 17. My Fishing Hobby. Some of my old fishing Photo that i have.

In age 11 just catch fish and put in Aquarium as my pet. When holiday coming, when back home town Taiping Perak, with my cousin catch small fish in drainage. 
Age 12 using fishing line in can (my blog Kong Kong) went to mining pond fishing with my cousin. but no photo taken during that time no digi camera or hand phone camera all in memory.
Age 14 then this is my turning point of fishing using a real fishing reel with the rod. Below is my memory photo of fishing since 1983.

Start blogger = 17/2/2014
Update blog = 30/8/2024

This Is Sungai Selai in Kluang Johor Taken on 1983 when rain river water become mulki.

The water is very dirty after rain.

This taken In 1983 SEBARAU My First Catch using my DAM SC4.

The Toman fish that i catch at sungai Selai

Taken in 1984 TOMAN using DAM SC4

My school vacation at Tioman Island. Fishing on a jety. Most catch is small makeral. No photo taken

The beach the bbq pit whare we cook the fish

on a jetty

My 1988 school vacation after leave kemaman on 1979, meat with my class mate and have a nice evening at kemaman river on the road to Trengganu. What i get most is puffer fish and small other fish. Just C&R.
The kemaman river at kemaman Trengganu .The road to Kuala trengganu DAM SC4

No big fish most C&R

My relatives from KL vacation, so bring him to Kuala Kangsar do some light fishing at Perak river beside sultan palace.
Kuala Kangsar Perak River Near King Palaces 1989 

Fishing In Pantai Remis my First fishing Competition 1988. No fish, but my DAM SC4 spool  crack due to hot sun.

Using My DAM SC4

My School Vacation Fishing in Tanjung Ru Pahang near to Kuantan Port using DAM SC4

My vacation with my office friend for 5 days. We camping at big perhentian island. We charted a boot and have a nice fishing evening. All small fish enough to eat among 5 of us.
Vacation To Pulau Perhentian besar 

Rent for 1 days RM150 only

with my friend Ben 

After Perhentian Island, a night in Temenggor DAM

Tasik Chini company vacation 1994 a days trip.
Vacation To Tasik Cini Kuantan 1994

all the way, view is beutiful.

on a jetty prepair

Using frog as bait.

Time back home

Only a days trip no fish catch. Fish bite my spoon but excape


 Competition in Kuala Linggi Melaka April 1997

GP Joran only take part Beach fishing

Waiting using my New DAM CSI 40

very hot no fish 

In Tanjung Gemuk GP JORAN AUG 1997
Fishing Competition Tanjung Gemok Johor August 1997

This time me and my friend take package deep sea compatition. our first time

Need to ware the life jacket all time. Using shimano MIG Z3000 and Ryobi 80l

Started fishing. End of the days no fish.

After the tanjung gemok find on small river then fishing

Tanjung Karang GP JORAN Compatetion July 1997
On the way

ready to go.

Fishing Competition Tanjung Karang Selangor July 1997

At 2am night hight wind the boat  shake left and right. So the boat man readjust .

Shah Alam Lake
Fishing Compatetion Tasik Shah Alam Selangor March 1998

Waiting 9am to start the compatitio.

still waiting 

Boring waiting still no fish

In vacation with company worker in Taman Negara Pahang
Taman Negara Vacation 1998

Bagan Lalang Kelong  Negeri Sembilan
February 1999 my self and friend started to go Bagan Lalang kelong for fishing. Mosly using my DAM CSI 40.

At Pulau Indah Klang Selangor
March 1999 Pulau Indah Klang Selangor

Felda penyabung Mersing Johor
Before Go for Fishing stay at my friend brother house Felda Penyabung Mersing in Johor Jun 1999

Inu Kelong Resort Mersing Johor. Nice place for family vacation on a kelong. They have room, bath room, kitchen, tv hall onit.
The Jetti

on the way to our new place to fish

very big and strong

the net

Fishing in INU Kelong Resort  Penyabung  Mersing Johor

Near to a islsnd

Night Fishing

They also catch fish at night on the tradisional way using light to atrack fish into the net.

All the small fish can be use as bait. The  big fish we can take

Big Squid

Beside the net

This is the net catching fish at night

The first class seat

Window from a rooms

Back after a night stay

Jun 2000 Pulau Pemanggil Johor

The Island

Take a break before go down fishing

Photo before reach the fishing sport

Use Appolo to catch small fish for bait

Waiting waiting ryobi 80L

Coming back early to relax

Dinner togather

second days catch

Tenggiri fish

Kacang fish

back thunder stom evening

Third days Breakfast before back

No more on boat photo

On  2001 me and friend started to go pulau ketam to fish Every saturday till sunday
December 2000 First Time fishing In Pulau Ketam

Most fishing activiti is on the jetty . The fish that we catch is Belukang.

Jun 2001 Pulau Perhentian Fishing Trip

taken breakfast before the journey

Reach perhentian Island  besar. Our room prepare for tomorrow fishing

Tea time the First day


Evening just photo shot6First

Night view


Eat good food first 

The Fishing Trip Started in the morning



The fish

Back to island evening

My self only small fish.

second day dinner

All red face

The team

Before dinner

The fishing kaki

Makan time

Third days back

on boat

Reach home photo shoot

Not my fish just photo shot

My first fishing journey to Nenasi Pahang. My first new place for deep sea. Jun 2001
2001 Jun Nenasi Pahang fishing

The rest house we stay

All the team arrive

The jetty 

The fishing trip begain

The boat size we use

The fishing jetty whare all the fisherman boat  land their daily catch

They call Mushroom Island

A light house and a pair of eagle stay on the island

The other group

My first Sail Fish is around 100++ Kg

Too heavy to carry up

my friend catch

cut the catch to test the meet

Cut in to small picess

I take the tail home to dry it

Evening each of us contribute fish to cook for dinner

For photo shot

every one with red face and body

Take the day catch to cook

Order drinks and other food

The europian first time fish in malaysia water

The days catch in our tumy

Evening too hot

Every one enjoy the food

After food

nice food

Still eating

Last beer time

Stop at the road Side Muazan Shah, to buy Fresh water fish

Most fish is river baung, lampam, patin

reduce the price

My second trip to Nenasi August 2001
August 2001  Nenasi Pahang Again

Strike A sail fish on the line. Shimano TLD30 

Using my new rod and reel shimano TLD30

My second sailfish

The sailfish not eating the bait but the line cought on the fish nose

 sail fish is around 70++kg

My first Tenggiri shimano TLD30 


March 2002 Bagan Lalang Selangor River Fishing

All small fish in the river. DAM Quick GLX820 

First time using my baitcasting reel

Relax and waiting fish to eat Ryobi T1

My third trip to Nenasi Pahang May 2002
May 2002 Nenasi Pahang BARACUDDA.  Shimamo TLD30

The best place to get good fish

My fourth Nenasi Trip September 2002
September 2002 Nenasi One More Timer

Again game fish not my catch

Only photo shot

Tenggiri fish half cut attack by barracuda fish

End of the days catch . One of the tail i take back

The head to cook curry

In 2002 again my self with Mr Aris follow a group of angler from Rod and Line to kapal karam Tioman.
2002 Stember 28/29 - Kapal karam Tioman Johor - Pari Minyak

My fishing trip for 2005 . 4 days oil rig Trengganu. All my company staff who love fishing. Go to the first point 8 hour journey then travel slowly up, journy back 12 hour. End resault 70% ok. On this trip using Dam Finessa 260, Ryobi 80L, shimano Biomaster 1000L.
May 2005 Oil Rig Trengganu

The boat man red

Ready to action

Long journy to go

Every one very excited

The first oil rig

Can't go near dangerous.

Night view on a oil rig

Bottom fishing


Me at side waiting bottom fishing. Some friend sleep headeck

Happy the best fishing trip

Din bond waiting

No fish sleep first

Another sleeping beuty

All doze off due to the long journy


Take shower 


Dorado and red snaper

Another Dorado

My catch Kerapu fish

Take few fish for lunch

100% freach

Fish on

Heavy and strong fish

Waiting to hook up the fish

Fish on

using shimano TLD30

wait wait

Fish on

fish on

must be big

haha small

other side dark cloud rain

My pari (Sting Ray)

Night take a rest first

Close close eye

All the tired face

Start again

fish on

big catch

happy at last

My red grouper 

The expensive fish

all days sleep due to seaseak

Try up after seaseak

wo red snaper fish

The boat man catch

Fish on

Double catch

My big catch

Still strugel 

At last boat man help

wooo a 4 kg red snaper

My happy moment

What a release

A ha take my fish for photo

My friend Shimano TLD30

Moving to other section

Dinner time freach fish

All exzosted

Back to shor 12 hour all sleeping


The boat man

All the catch

Choose ur fish to take back

After sea seak 

My catch

Pack ready go back
so far this is my best  fishing trip. Planty of fish and can bring back. Not like i went to Kota kinabalu sabah catch many fish but only bring back few due to expensive, need to deep froze the fish before bring back. After 5 days i only get one small packing of fish.

Jun 2007, My last trip to Nenasi Pahang

After 2007 due to Job Retrenchment my fishing trip is slow down. Company close, all my friend go find job in different company and location.
Starting From 1997 i started list down all my fishing trip until today below is the list location and date. For 1994,1995,1996 no record.

Year 1997
1, March 22/23 - Tanjung Piai Johor,  GP Joran fishing Competition Sea side fishing. NO fish.
2, May 31 - Pord Dickson Negeri Sembilan, GP Joran Fishing Competition Sea side. NO Fish
3, July - Tanjung Karang Selangor, GP Joran Fishing Competition Sea side,. NO Fish.
4, August 31 - Tanjung Gemuk, G7 Joran Fishing Competition Sea side. NO Fish.
5. December 28 - Tasik Bukit Merah Perak, TBM Fishing Competition Lake side. 1kg Toman.

Year 1998
1, March 1 - Tasik Shah Alam Selangor, TSA Fishing Competition . NO Fish
2. March 14/15 - Tanjung Leman Johor, GP Joran Deep Sea Fishing Competition, NO Fish.

Year 1999
1, January 29/30 - Pulau Indah Klang Selangor, On a Bridge fishing. Gelama, Gerut Gerut, Duri.
2, February 1/2 - Bagan Lalang Negeri Sembilan, Sea side fishing. Gelama.
3. February 5/6 - Pulau Indah Klang Selangor, On a Bridge fishing. Gelama, Gerut Gerut, Duri.
4, February 14/15 - Bagan Lalang Negeri Sembilan, Kelong Fishing, Tetanda, Gerut, Duri
5, March 12/13 - Pulau Indah Selangor, Sea Side Fishing , 2kg Senangin
6, March 19/20 - Pulau Indah Selangor, Sea Side Fishing
7, April 15/16 - Pulau Indah kg acheh klang Selangor, Sea Side Fishing, Duri
8. May 22/23 - Pulau Sembilan Perak, Deep Sea Fishing, Talang, Daun Bahru, Cencaru.
9, Jun 4/5/- Pulau Tinggi sea Side Fishing, No Fish
10, Jun 6/7 - Penyabong Johor, Kelong Fishing, Sotong Selar, Kemnbung, Udang Mentadak.
11, November 7/8 - Bagan Hailam  Klang Selangor, Pond Fishing.
12, December 26 - Segari Perak, Competition Fishing, Duri.

Year 2000
1, January 1 - Kinlara Puchong Selangor, Pond Fishing,
2, February 26 - Pulau Indah Klang Selangor, Sea Side Fishing, Small Fish.
3, Jun 15/16 - Pulau Pemanggil Johor, Deep Sea Fishing, Kembung , Selar.
4, Jun 25 - Bagan Lalang Negeri Sembilan, Kelong Fishing, Small Fish.
5, October 22 - Tasik Shah Alam Selangor, TSA Fishing Competition Lake Fishing NO Fish.
6, November 25 - Halim Pond Petaling Jaya Selangor, Pond Fishing Red and Black Talipia.
7,  November 26 - Pulau Indah Klang Selangor, Sea side Fishing.
8, December 2 - Halim Pond Petaling Jaya Selangor, Pond Fishing  Red Talipia
9. December 15 - Pulau Indah Klang Selangor, Sea side Fishing.
10, December 16/17 - Pulau Ketam Selangor. Jeti Fishing, Duri

Year 2001
1, January 6 - Kampung Acheh,  Klang Selangor, River side Fishing.
2, January 13/14 - Halim Pond Petaling Jaya Selangor. Pond Fishing, Red Tilipia.
3, February -  Pulau Ketam Selangor, Jeti Fishing, Duri, Kitang
4. February 24/25 - Pulau Ketam Selangor. Kelong Fishing, Duri
5. May 4/5/6/7/8/9 - Pulau Perhentian Trengganu, Deep Sea fishing.
6, Jun 1/2/3/4 - Pekan Nenasi Pahang, Deep sea fishing,  30kg sail fish, kerapu, kerisi, kembong.
7, Jun 29/30 - Bagan Hailam Klang Selangor, Pond Fishing, Bawal
8, August 1/2 - Pekan Nenasi Pahang, Deep Sea Fishing, 20kg sail fish, Barracuda, Kerapu, Kerisi, Kembong.
9, December 23 - Segari Perak, Deep sea fishing, Daun Bahru, Tuka, Tetanda.

Year 2002
1, March 15/16 - Bagan Lalang Negeri Sembilan, off shore fishing, Sembilang, Tetanda Gelama.
2, Aprial 21 - Kangpong Sertik karak pahang. Pond Fishing Red Tilipia , lampam Jawa
3. Aprial 25 - Bagan lalang Negeri Sembilan, River Mouth fishing Sembilang Gelama.
4, May 25/26 - Pekan Nenasi Pahang, Deep Sea fishing, Kerapu, Barracuda.
5, September 14/15 - Pekan Nenasi Pahang Deep Sea Fishing,  Kerapu, Sotong
6, September 28/29 - Pulau Pemanggil Johor (Kapal Karam Tioman), Deep sea fishing. Pari Minyak

Year 2003
1, March 15 -  Kangpung Melayu Subang Selangor, Pond Fishing , 1 Jenahak.
2, Aprial -  Kangpung Melayu Subang Selangor, Pond Fishing , 3 2kg Jenahah
3, December 25/26 - Sabak Bernam Selangor, Kelong BNO Fishing, 1kg Senangin, kerapu, Kitang

Year 2004
1, July 27/28/29 - Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Deep Sea Fishing, Red Snaper, Kerisi, Red kerapu, Black Kerapu.

Year 2005
1, May 20/21/22/23 - Oil Rig Kuala Trengganu, Deep sea fishing, 6kg red Snaper, kerisi, kerapu, Pari.

Year 2006
1, March 12 - Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan, Sea side Fishing PD Carnivel Competition Fishing.
2, May 20 - Kuala Linggi Negeri Sembilan, River mouth Fishing.

Year 2007
1, Jun 16/17 - Pekan Nenasi Pahang, Deep Sea fishing, kerisi, kerapu.

Year 2008
1, ! ! ! - Kuala Lukut Negeri Sembilan, River Mouth Fishing, NO Fish.
2, ! ! ! - Sikamat pond fishing - Small Tilapia

Year 2010
1, August - Kuala Lukut Negeri Sembilan, River Mouth Fishing, NO Fish.

Year 2012
1, Januari 1 - Sungai Timun Negeri Sembilan, Baung, Bulan.
2, February 4 -  Sungai Timun Negeri Sembilan, Baung

Year 2013
1,  Jun 10 - Jeram Besu Pahang, Short time Casting for Sebarau only, No Fish

Year 2014
1, February 15 - A&I agrooark Rasah Jaya fishing pond Negeri Sembilan, No Fish
2, 24/5/2014 - A&I agropark Rasah Jaya fishing pond  = 2 Pacu
3, 15/6/2014 - A&I agropark Rasah Jaya fishing pond = no fish
4, 29/6/2014 - A&I agropark Rasah Jaya fishing pond = 1 Patin, 1 catfish
5. 8/9/2914 - A&I agropark Rasah Jaya fishing pond = 3 patin, 2 catfish, 15 Flower horn small size
6. 11/12/2014 - Pendang Resort = 3 Belida
7. 18/11/2014 - A&I agropark Rasah Jaya = Talapia
8.19, 20/11/ 2014 - Pendang Resort = 1 Belida, 1Terbol.

1. PD Water Front


1. PD Water Front 

Since 2008 my fishing activiti been slow down, change to play my RC Car. and also all the fishing friend leave far away, This record will up date time to time. Some location been there for fishing but forgate the year and date.
