RC16. My Memorry Having RC Car. MY RC Engine (Volume 1)

This is all my RC engine collection that i buy new and secondhand. Never throw away if the engine damage still keep it. In 2020 some of my RC car for display without engine i buy few damage uncompleted engine and put in as show. Most collection i have from size 11 to 18, no bigger then that can't fit in my 1/10 car. The best engine i have still running condition is Novarossie NS12 Look small size but powerfull.
2024 .Till today only collected 21 engine

Start bloog = 22/12/2009
Last update bloog = 1/12/2022

Engine Size Measurements 
1.11ci = 1.9cc
2.12ci = 2.0cc
3.15ci = 2.5cc
4.18ci = 3.0cc
5.19ci = 3.3cc
6.21ci = 3.5cc
7.25ci = 4.1cc
8.27ci = 4.4cc
9.32ci = 5.2cc
10.36ci = 5.9cc
11.46ci = 75.cc

A. My first engine KYOSHO GS11X 1995.
New that come with the RC car i bought.This engine performance i not sure, no info given from Kyosho event in Kyosho Web side. This engine not that power.
Future -
1. Recoil starting, 
2. AB construction Engine,  
3. 2 needle adjustment. 
This engine i play until Breakdown, non stop cool down using water and play again.That crazy i am.

The Displacement (cc) = 1.90
The Bore & Stroke = NA
Out Put = 0.2+BHPd


The Pull Start

Side  Exhaust  Port

Front View, 

KYOSHO GS11X Engine Made In Japan

Cylinder Head Normal Glow Plug

LHS View

2 Needle Adjustmet. High Speed and Idle

Rotary Throttle Type

Top View Air Intake Hole

The Hight Needle Adjustment and Fuel Inlet

B) Second Engine THUNDER TIGER PRO 12BZX 1995. 
Bought new for Rm400 in 1995
1. Recoil starting, 
2. ABC engine, 
3. 3 needle adjustment, 
4. Schnuerle porting, 
5. Automatic mixture control carburetors 
6. 2 ball bearing. 
First try run wooo is powerfull, better then my first engineer.This engine cylinder and liner already worn off, but manage to buy new in 2006 prices Rm150. After install the new liner the carburetor make problem needle failure. In 2009 December i manage to modified with a kyosho GS15R Carburetor and it start up good. Another engine can be use, but not as good perfomance, just keep as memory..

The Box

The Displacement (cc) = 2.11
The Bore & Stroke = 14.0mm/13.7mm
RPM = 3000 - 30000
Output = 0.56BHP


After Change new Piston and Kyosho GS15R carburetor.

Full Ready To Use

Front View. Using Threaded Crankshaft, With Flywheel and Clutch Bell

LHS View

Pull Start Type

Side Exhaust Port

Bottom View Using Engine Mounting

Top View. Using  Normal Glow Plug

Cylinder Head at end trade damage.

3 Needle Adjustment Carburetor.

Rotary Type Carburetor, Low Speed Needle Adjustment last modified other and Idle Screw

High Needle Adjustment and Fuel Inlet

Thunder Tiger Pro. Made In Taiwan

12 Engine Size

C) Third Engine KYOSHO GS11X 1995.
Secondhand same specification with my first engine. This engine is been rest in peace. But manage to life up after using piston and cylinder head from Kyosho ESG S11. Now i put this engine in my kyosho spider car no 2 and i give to my sister son to play. it not runing very fast it good for the beginner.

The Displacement (cc) = 1.90
The Bore & Stroke = NA
Out Put = 0.2+BHP


Using a bigger Cylinder Head from Kyosho GS11

D)  Fourth Engine KYOSHO GS11 1996.
Bought new for only Rm100. 
1. Future single needle adjustment,
2. Big cylinder head, 
3. AB construction  
4. Pull start. 
When i try up in my RC it give me a big problem run like a turtle, try to lean and rich the needle same result i get. What i been told buy my friend it may be a small airplane engine. So what i did i use this engine piston and the cylinder head and put in to one of my second Kyosho GX11x crankcase that was damage.

The Displacement (cc) = 1.90
The Bore & Stroke = NA
Output = Below 0.2+


Side View. The Threaded Crankshaft

Using Pull Start

RHS View

Side Exhaust Port

Front View

Kyosho GS11. Made In Japan

Bottom View.  Using 3 Screw Engine Mounting

Cylinder Head Top View Normal Glow Plug

2 Needle adjustment Carburetor. High Speed and Idle Adjustment.

Rotary Type Carburetor, Idle Screw Adjustment

High Speed Needle and Fuel Intake

E)  Fifth Engine GS RACING V12RR. 
Bought new for Rm400 take out from GS Rc car. On that time i need a engine so ask the shop ownew he give me a second hand but can't fit in my car, so he take out from new GS car for me. Event it look small is a powerful engine. Seldom use for race just baching i thing just run 5 time with it, not full run.Today 2020 still 95% new. 
The future - 
1. ABC construction, 
2. 3 needle adjustment, 
3. Slide carburetor, 
4. Rear exhaust 
5. Non pull start.

The Displacement (cc) =2.11 NA
The Bore & Stroke = NA
RPM = 41000
Output = 1.25BHP


Cylinder Head

Front View. Using Threaded Crankshaft, Flywheel and Clutch Bell

RHS View

Rear View

Bottom View Using Engine Mounting

Top View Normal Glow Plug

LHS View

Slide 3 Needle Adjustment Carburetor

High Speed Needle add a adjustment reading gauge , and The Air Intake Hole

Low Speed Needle

Hight Speed and Idle Speed Needle Adjustment

V12 Engine Size

GS Engine

Rear Exhaust Port and Non Pull Start Engine

F)  No 6 engine, THUNDER TIGER EVO12.  
Buy secondhand for Rm160. Made in Taiwan.
1. Aluminum connecting rod with special lapped bushings, 
2. large heat sink, 
3. Improved quality ISO9001, 
4. Dual ball bearing, 
5. ABC engine, 
6. Slide termo isolated composite carburetor, 
7. Pull start 
8. 4 needle adjustment. 
Made in Taiwan.
When i service this engine, the cylinder liner is been modified by previous owner. The best is it run smoofly and after cab adjustment, the cab become cool with water vapour. It break down, the connecting rod break during playing. Can't buy new but manage modified but keep as memory.

The Displacement (cc) = 2.11
 The Bore & Stroke = 13.85mm/14mm
RPM = 3000 - 35000
Output = 0.75BHP


Attach On my Kyosho Spider

Side Exhaust

Front View. Using SG Crankshaft

Rear View Non PullStart  Engine

Bottom View Using 4  Screw Engine Mounting

Top View Using Normal Glow Plug

LHS View

Cylinder Head

The Rotary Type Carburetor with 4 Adjustment. High Speed, Low Speed, Idle and Midrange.

Low Speed Adjustment

Top View The Air Intake Port

High Speed , Midrange Needle Adjustment and Fuel Intake

Thunder Tiger EVO Engine. Made In Taiwan

12 Size Engine

G) No 7 Engine KYOSHO GS15R 2003. 
Secondhand come together when i bought Kyosho V one S II
Future - 
1. Recoil starter, 
2. 3 needle adjustment, 
3. Gold colored aluminum heat sink, 
4. 2 ball bearing 
5.AB engine. 
Made in Japan.
This engine piston and liner worn off couldn't get the spare parts. Now in rest position but the carburetor taken out and modifocation to Thunder tiger Pro -12BZX engine'

The Displacement (cc) = 2.44
The Bore & Stroke =14.4mm/15mm
RPM = 16000
Output = 2.48BHP


LHS View

With Pullstart

The Side Exhaust Port

Front View. Using Threaded Crankshaft, With Flywheel and Clutch Bell

The Rotary 3 Needle Adjustment Carburetor. High Speed, Low Speed and Idle

Top View Air Intake Hole

Low Speed Needle

Top View Normal Glow Plug

Bottom View Use 2 Type Engine Mounting. 3 screw or (Option Parts) 4 screw Engine Mount.

Kyosho GS

Made In Japan

H No 8 Engine NOVAROSSIE NS12S3 2007  
New bought for Rm500. This engine really give me satisfaction. I put in my kysho FW06 car. 
Future - 
1.Turbo Engine, 
2. Turbo plug, 
3. Slide carburetor, 
4. 2 ball bearing, 
5. ABC Engine, 
6. Cab intake port sleeve, 
7. Non pull start 
8. 3 needle adjustment 

The Box

The Displacement (cc) = 2.09
The Bore & Stroke = 13.8mm/14.04mm
RPM = 41000
Output = 1.52HP


Front View Using SG Crankshaft

LHS View

Cylinder Head

Nova Engine

Rear View Rear Exhaust Port

Bottom View Using 4 Screw Engine Mounting

Top View Turbo Glow Plug

3 Adjustment Slide Carburetor. High Speed, Low Speed and Idle.

The Idle Adjustment and High Speed Needle

Low Speed Needle

With Flywheel and Clutch Bell

RHS View

I)  No 9 Engine NOVAROSSIE NS12S3 2008.
Buy secondhand for Rm260 different between my first nova engine is on the carburetor needle adjustment and the cab intake port (Pic). Owner say 7/10 still can start but after service difficult to start but soon dead, because worn off liner and piston. Hard to get the parts. Manage buy one set but different size LL12 model.
Future - 
1. Turbo engine, 
2. Slide Carburetor, 
3. 2 ball bearing, 
4. ABC engine, 
5. 4 needle adjustment 
6. Non pull start. 

The Displacement (cc) = 2.09
The Bore & Stroke = 13.8mm/14.04mm
RPM = 41000
Output = 1.52HP


The Carburetor have Midrange Needle Adjustment

10) No 10 Engine KYOSHO GS15R.
Seconhand together with my No 7 RC car Kyosho V One S. This engine when i bought still very new not much ruining the carbon build in the engine not much. Outside is clean not oily. so i bought a good engine. 
Future - 
1. Recoil starter, 
2. 3 needle adjustment, 
3. Gold colored aluminum heat sink, 
4. 2 ball bearing 
5. AB engine.

The Displacement (cc) = 2.31
The Bore & Stroke = NA
RPM = 16000
Output = 0.32BHP


All the product picture



⁷The Novarossi Engine

The GS Engine

New 2021 all my RC engine all 19pcs. Can running engine 10, damage because over running 5 units, buy damage engine for dummy 4 units.
All 19 engine  

Kyosho  Engine 

Thunder Tiger engine

Novarossi Engine 

GS Engine 

Others Engine (Dummy Engine)

11) No 11 Engine KYOSHO GXR 15.  
Come togather with Kyosho FW-06 RTR RC car. So far this engine perfomance ok not to bad. I play until break the piston rod, replace it for Rm50. 2020 still can start.
Future - 
1. Recoil Starter, 
2. 3 Ball Bearing, 
3. AB Construction, 
4. Blue Aluminum Cylinder Head, 
5. Slide Caburetor, 
6. 2 Needle adjustment.
The Displacement (cc) = 19.96cc
The Bore & Stroke = NA
RPM = 3000 - 19000
Output = 0.58BHP/16000rpm


LHS View

Front View Using Threaded Crankshaft

The side Exhaust Port

Pullstart Engine

Bottom View 2 type Engine Mounting 3 Screw or 4 Screw Option Parts Engine Mount.

Top View Normal Glow Plug

Cylinder Head

The Exhaust Port

Slide Carburetor with 3 Needle Adjustment. Hight Speed, Low Speed and Idle

Low Speed Needle

Idle and Hight Speed and Fuel Intake

Top View Air Intake Hole

GXR 15 Made In Japan

Don't know what to do Boring, Take a Damage  Kyosho GS11X engine out and clean up to 90% and start polishing. The end result below not that shine but OK..

Front View

LHS View


Cylinder Head

Bottom View

Kyosho GS11X

LHS View

Low speed Needle

The Carburetor

Exhaust Port

12)  No 12 and 13 engine. KYOSHO GS15R SP
New Rm600 buy on 8/1/2018. Go round at RC shop in Nilai 3, found this ori Kyosho pull start engine
1) Blue head, 
2) Rotery cab 
3) 2 needle adjustment. 
Look he has many old stock un sold. So ask 2 for the best price, i get Rm600. The old engine is with gold cylinder head and small.

CC = 2.5 cc
Power = 0.90Bhp
Bore & Strock =

From the engine instruction is from year 2004. So this model cant sold, the owner have 12 stock unsold engine

Ori kyosho engine

Parts number

Well packing

Additional plastic rap

Side view

Rotary caburetor 

Exjaust port


Using pull start

Top view

Bottom view

Two for RM600

14) No 14 engine THUNDER TIGER PRO 12 BX 
Made in Taiwan. Came with the rc i buy TT TS4N PLUS. All parts jam up due to lack of Maintenance previous owner. After service it still can run smootly.

CC = 2.11cc
Bore/Strock = 13.85/14.0 mm
RPM = 3000 - 30000
Output = 0.60hp
Weight = 234g

Side view

Exjaust port side view

Size 12 engine

Pro Made in Taiwan

Pull start engine

Front view

Back view

Top view

Bottom with engine mounting 

The caburettor rottery cab

Low needle 

Hight needle

Air intake port

15) No 15 engine, Kyosho GXR 15 Made in Japan. 
Come to gather with my 2nd FW06. On 24/6/2020. Condition when i get it jamup and dirty. Fully service. This engine not much runing. No damage parts.

Displacement (cc) =2.47cc
Bore & Stroke =

Side view, Made in Japan 

Other side 

Back view 

Front view 

Top view 

Botttom view 

The carburetor 3 way adjustment

GXR 15 engine famous been use in kyosho 1/10 RC car.

KYOSHO trade mark

The blue cooling fin

16) No 16 Engine Novarossi S12 Made in Italy. 
Buy loose condition Rm3, Is a damage engine. search in side a plastic container for all the parts been open. Found the body with drive shaft, heat shill, rear cover and liner. No piston and rod, no glow holder.This for display only. Even the caburetor missing all the needles. 

The mounting and flywheel is for serpent 705

The caburetor all needle missing 

The cooling cylinder head not not novarossie but almost same.

On my serpent  705 just show 

17) No 17 engine no brand 18 size
Buy loose parts no brand, no piston, rod, rear cover, cooling fin , caburetor.  Find other parts and combine this engine just to show in my empty RC car. No return made from.
No brand 

Not sure a pull start engine or starter box. Use aluminium sticker close to hole

Size 18

Cooling fin not for this engine block just show

18) No 18 engine FORCE 15. 
Buy loose in damage parts, it for show in my empty RC car, 
1. Pull start, 
2. Side exhaust, 
3. Made in TAIWAN. 
Is a empty body i buy loose Rm few cent. No rear cover, pull start, cooling fin, caburetor,  piston and  rod.

Carburetor from other engine

Just close the hole with aluminium foil 

19) NO 19 engine. 15 engine size. Buy few cent, Same buy loose in damage condition for show. Use other brand parts to combain a engine.
1. No piston/rod, 
2. No cooling fin, 
3. No rear cover,  
4. No caburetor, 

Show engine in my Thunder Tiger DT10

20) No 20 RC engine. CEN NT16. 
Came togather when i buy Cen TR4 on 1/12/2022. Problem no Pullstart, can start using starter box.

Always RC player ask a same question How to keep nitro Engine in long storage. My way to keep a engine from damage during long storage 1 month or years.

1. After play all fuel system must clear from nitro fuel. inside fuel tank, fuel pipe, fuel filter. 
2. Use after run oil in piston, crankshaft,  glow and carburetor.
3. Always put piston position at BTDC bottom top death center with means piston at rest position below liner. 
4. For long storage remove air filter. when oil touch the sponge, long time become dust partical. If new filter is ok.

Open glow plug drop few after run oil and turn flywheel by hand, pull star or starter motor, to ensure oil stick evenly on piston and liner.

Drop from glow plug hole

Drop oil on glow plug fillemement.

The best way remove the good glow plug and use damage glow

 If use damage glow plug don't tighten too hard reduce damage on tread. Event the new plug for long storage.

Drop few drop on carburettor into crankshaft turn the flywheel. 

Open cab plunger drop oil

For flywheel make marking on top mean piston in BTDC

Just open to show piston at rest position

Drop oil on carburetor plunger too

Remove air filter close carburetor air intake hole with tissue or a rubber cap. Why because air filter sponge if long storage will damage into dust form and will drop inside the crankshaft.

This my way of taking care a rc engine for long storage or after playing, hope it help.

Enjoy Reading and have fun.
