RC2. MY Memory Having a RC Car. The Yellow Corvette

A radio Controlled Car (RC). It can be GP (Gas Power) or EP (Electric Power), both power is fun to play. A joy stick send radio signal to the car onboard receiver, that sends electrical pulses to the servo to turn the wheels or the carburetor linkage, for EP signal is send to receiver then to ESP (Electronic Speed Controlled) and then to run the motor. You can control the RC car from a distend only using the Joystick. It so amazing thank to the person who created this hobby.
Since I was small age 8 I always dream of having a RC Car, but my father don’t want  buy for me, he will say is expensive. But what I gate is a battery operate car a YELLOW CORVETTE car Made by ELDON 1968, with two small wheel under the body that can be turn by a motor, when it heat some thing it will move away pic it so funny. But what can I do, I am a school boy with no money. To fulfill my desire to own an RC car,  when go shopping the first places to visit is the TOY section. Just Dream about it that all.

Start  bloog = 05/07/2008.
Last update bloog = 06/07/2008.

Body plastic 

The Front Close Up

The Internal metal

Back View

 With hard Rubber Tyre no crack yet for so long tine

Under Carrage, Two Small Turning Wheel Missing

ELDON 1968 Product

The Battery Compartment 2pcs D size

Enjoy RC 


Unknown said…
awesome stuff. keep it up. matt