RC4. My Memory Having a RC Car. My No 2 RC. 1/10 - 1995 Kyosho GP Spider 1.

In 1995 this is my turning point about RC Car. One day my friend asks me to buy a EP remote control car because on that year the RC become well knows by people. One day after working  me and my friend visit a RC Hobby Shop KINDLAND ELECTRONICS (M) Mr Patrick Yiu in YOHAN THE MALL in Kuala-Lumpur. I am very happy at last i gating a real adult RC Car. I beginning we decide to buy EP RC Car that course RM 800 ++, but what in my mind i purpose to my friend to buy the GP RC Car because it give more satisfied due to the sound that created buy the engine, for EP RC Car didn’t have the racing sound. On the last decision, we buy a GP RC CAR that is 1995 Kyosho 1/10 GP 10 Spider 4WD with Opel Calibra V6 DTM Version (Pro Kit) that cost me RM 1600. Then package with Sanwa controller rm300, 4 D battery glow starter Rm50 and RC fuel Rm150 2 L. All Rm2100. 
This RC have single Speed, 3 belt drive, kyosho GS 11 X engine and with all blue color pulley. No ballbearing on moving parts. No servo. I manage to add some option parts time to time. 

Technical Data
Lenght - 470mm
Width - 200mm
Heigh - 124mm
Weight - 1550g
Wheelbase - 260mm
Ground Clearance - 10mm
Gear Ratio - 8.11:1
Track (F,R) - 168mm
Tires (F,R) - 65x26mm
Engine - 10 class 

Start bloog = 10/7/2008
Last update bloog = 30/12/2024
Sum for spareparts = Rm2611.40 
1995 to 2025 = 31 Years
Made in JAPAN 🇯🇵

Option parts I manage to change
1. Double speed gear
2. Full ball bearing
3. Side belt tensional post
4. Front/rear sway bar.
5. Tune pipe/monifold
6. Engine 
7. Adjustable linkage
8. Oil damper
9. Roll bar
10. Bumper form
11. Fuel Filter
12. Exhaust air cooler
13. Ball bearing on clutch bell
14. Servo alu arm
15. Aluminium clutch
16. All UJ
17. Front aluminium steering knuckle
18. Steering with ball bearing
19. Center belt tensional
20. Sport air filter
21. Chassis


Parts no 31408

Kyosho GS11X Engine

The option parts later i slowly buy.

With Option Parts image

With Option Parts Rear view




TOP VIEW most all sticker gone


Second Body ALFA ROMEO 155 DTM Fully Damage




Beginner With 4 Dry Cell Battery Glow Starter

With Third Engine Thunder Tiger 12 EVO

Belt Tensional Post (Option Parts)

The Brake Disc DIY Using Car Brake Disc.

The Original Plastic Brake Disc.

Change Two Speed Gear OPTION PARTS

The Blue single Speed, Black is second speed, First speed not in picture

Clutch Bell Using Needle Bearing Change to Ball Bearing

Original Needle Bearing not last Long

Put in 3 pcs ball Bearing

Original Come with Single Speed

The Blue Gear

Original with Rear Silencer

Using Kyosho side Silencer

The Radio Tray (Aluminium)

The On/Off Switch

75cc Fuel tank

Fuel filter (Option Parts)

Steering and Brake / Fuel Servo

In 2012 Using Alum Servo Option Parts

2012 Using Alum Servo For Brake and Fuel  Option part.

The Brake and Fuel linkage Using a Plastic Arm

2012 Change to Alum Arm option part.

The Battery Location for Receiver

The Receiver Location

The original  chassis badly damage bent

The Option Chassis

Front Aluminium Shock Tower. Oil Shock Absober is Option Parts

The Original Shock Absober Non Oil Shock

Rear Alu Shock Tower

Top View Front Suspension

Front Dff Housing

Front Camber and Toe Using Turn Buckle (Option Parts)


Rear Diff Housing with Ball Bearing

Rear Gear Diff Case

The Axle case

The other side

Inside With 2 sun Gear and 2 Planet Gear

Rear Top Suspension Arm View

Rear low Suspension Arm View

Rear Hub with Ball Bearing

Rear camber Adjustment Linkage (Option Parts)

Rear Drive Shaft Original Using Dog Bone

2011 i Change to UJ for Rear Drive Shaft (Option)

Front  UJ Drive Shaft (Option Parts)

Front Alu Steering Block with Ball Bearing option part.

Center Belt Tensional Post (Option Parts)

Rear Stabilizer Bar (Option Parts)

Rear using Turn Buckle for Stabilizer Bar (Option Parts)

Front Stabilizer Bar (Option Parts)

Front Turn Buckle for Adjustment Linkage (Option Parts)

Special Roll Bar (Option Parts)

Original Roll Bar

Uni Crank Servo Saver with Ball Bearing (Option Parts) RHS

Uni Crank Servo with Ball Bearing LHS

The Original Kyosho GS11X Engine (Damage)

The Second Engine Thunder Tiger Pro 12

2012 Image

Take out for wormup just slow run .

At that moment, I feel floating yes yes i gate what i wanted. I start to assemble it in 2 days time.Every Sunday is our test drive day, me and my friend went to an empty parking lot in Shah Alam Stadium. In the beginning i crash this RC until the chassis bend, almost 3 times due to lost radio signal and receiver battery run out of juice. Time to time i started to up grade my Car adding bearing, 2 speed gear and change a Engine. We learn about the RC parts and trouble shooting, we will go back to the RC Hobby Shop for some advice. At last both of us know how to play with it. We didn’t race in track, just race on a parking lot.Few month later another friend join us. Day by day i start to up grade my RC Car i spend more money on it until my credits card is getting hotter. But I don’t mind, 1996 the first engine Kyosho damage due to non stop playing,One day i with my friend races non stop, to cool down the engine i use water. I buy a Thunder Tiger PRO-12BZX ABC cost RM400 Picture and 2 speed gear RM180, That was the day i can feel the new power from this new engine. Even my friend started give up to up grade, no money. To day this engine is been put to rest and I replace it with Thunder Tiger 12 EVO Engine. Due to interest in this hobby, even going for a holiday in Pening 1997 we bring the Rc along Pic.Today this Kyosho spider i have already change a lot of option parts some i DIY my self. Still runing condition until today 2019.2018 put in a new kyosho GX15 engine to make it more nicer but no more run in track.display.
In Penang everyone with their Rc car
Me the engine cant start glow plug faulty. The second body  Alfa Romeo in blue  colour before badly damage top pic white.

With BEN study how to tune the engine

For this Rc, i still searching for it parts, In 2010 i found some of the option parts left over in some of the shop in KL and Seremban. The parts Number is LA1, SP55, OTW10, SPW53, OT45, OT16, FD50.For the people have this RC brand don't worried about the belt, The SP53 long center belt and TM17 the rear both short belt. U can gate it at Belt-Tech Engineering Supplies Sdn Bhd. No 120, Jln Radin Anum Satu, Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur. The Belt tech size for short is 144-3M-4.5mm(W) and the long belt size is 420-3M-4.5mm(W). For the RC owner who have own a vantage RC using belt u still can get the belt in this company. So all the best. My Email paul671212@hotmail.com. My Facebook Under Wong Teck Paul.
This Year 2013 I found The Image of the first Generation Kyosho Pure Ten GP Spider 1994 in Net.The Body is Ford GT40,All parts is same only the lhs and rhs (SP64 side under chassis set) are different.It a cover to protect both side. For 1995 both side using a small cover to proteck The Engine and Side belt.

Kyosho Spider GP 10 1994. Both side have cover

The Instruction Manual

In 8/1/2018 went to look for RC parts in Nilai Borong. Buy 2 kyosho new engine GS15R for just Rm600. Take one and put into my first kyosho spider. This engine not yet run in, but just add some after run oil to smooth it first due to long storage from the shop. From the instruction manual the date is 2004.

The new Pull start engine GS15R, rotor cab.

This new come with blue cyclinder head the old is small gold colour.

From top.Using ori exjoust but change to tune pipe

Finaly 80 part is been upgraded, Know just for display.

On 29/1/2018 after 2 years didt go toycar time squer kuala lumpur.Just visit my kyosho shop. This time thare is new choise from Buggy ,Truggy, big foot truck.. from 1/10 or 1/8. Look for stafeni for best prices.No regrate buying kyosho product. Spare parts no worried.

Don't know how to put in the PDF file from phone to blogger what I can do is I put photo of the manual so can be copy.

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4/7/2021 take out checking add after run oil In engine 

9/8/2021 nowdays many Rc parts from China is cheep. like this air cooler only Rm0.60. 

On 23/4/2024 found parts OT55 plastic C hub, buy 2 for rm18 it for optima buggy but can use in spider.

Enjoy RC 


Alcyon said…
cool man, nice to see some one from K.L Malaysia too. I was more interested in the 1995 EP spider back then...
Rallyboy said…
Thanks Bro. Hope there a some photo of your EP spider in your Face book.
Anonymous said…
Hello bos did you have any rc gp on your collection for sell?
Rallyboy said…
Yes there some photos in my Facebook .almost the same. Thanks
Rallyboy said…
Sorry all my rc not for sale. If I sale to u , u will get a big problem no spare parts. I prefer u get new of find the laters second hand rc. Made from China HL from electric to nitro RM300++ to RM800++. Made from Taiwan TM Rm800 to Rm1800 electric to nitro. MADE from Japan KYOSHO Rm1500 to Rm2800 electric to nitro. All for 1/10 Scale Touring or Buggy.
Hello there! I just have one of these and still pretty new. I just used abou 3 or 4 liters of fuel since 2000 with the GS11x. Now... I got some questions for you :) :

1) What about the fuel you use? The nitro/Oil mix? I'm having trouble finding a good fuel for such a small engine (.10).
2) Do you still have the manual for the Opel Calibra (my kit)?
Thank you!
Rallyboy said…
Sorry for the late reply . For this small engine i use 20% nitro fuel, this engine only have one adjustment , so dont lean so much . If u want to use 16% also can make sure neadle to rich side. . For me this engine has lest power , just for fun ok. Change to a new and more power one and one more thing the spare part no more , but for the belt i still can gate it. Whare u stay if u around malaysia i can foto copy for u.
martin brown said…
i've got a kyosho pureten gp spider ;D
martin brown said…
i've got a kyosho spider! ;D
Owais said…
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I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post. fast remote control cars for adults
Rallyboy said…
Thanks. Have a great days.
Unknown said…
Boa noite tenho um opel calibra que me deram e gostaria de saber a afinal dele ou se me conseguiam arranjar o manual dele obrigado
Unknown said…
Can you please tell me the part number for the blue gear on the left.
Rallyboy said…
The blue single gear it come in a gear set (SP50 main gear & brake set)
Unknown said…
Hola! Espero me puedas leer y entender.
He adquirido este Rc a inicios del año 2021 y estoy enamorado, el unico problema es la escases de repuestos, tengo miedo de que termine roto.
No habia podido encontrar el manual en ningun lado y el que compartiste me viene de maravillas.
ahora me he puesto a investigar y descubrí que se le puede agregar una segunda marcha, eso me tiene muy entusiasmado!
Hello! I hope you can read and understand me.
I have acquired this Rc at the beginning of the year 2021 and I am in love, the only problem is the lack of spare parts, I am afraid that it will end up broken.
I had not been able to find the manual anywhere and the one you shared is wonderful for me.
Now I have done some research and discovered that you can add a second gear, that has me very excited!
Rallyboy said…
Is a 1994 product Kyosho no more produce spare parts. In ebay there few parts to sale. My spider know for display after rework, still can run but i just keep for display. If run just slow slow only no racing.If some body sale this same rc in a cheap price just buy it for spare part.
Enjoy RC
Vairt.com said…
This blog is very effective and valuable. I am very glad to read your blog. I hope you will soon share your next post about this discussion. Thanks for sharing.
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Rallyboy said…
Thanks bro. Just my patience in RC, love to own all kind of rc, more to 1/10 just buy secondhand rc that people didn't service ,study the history and publish in my blogger.
Luciano said…
Hola!, hace un tiempo adquiri el segundo rc en este caso un gp spide mk2 para repuestos de este, agregue la segunda marcha.
Tengo un hpi rs4 con segunda marcha y cuando toma la segunda se siente la diferencia, hasta en sonido pero en este kyosho no logro escuchar el cambio de velocidades, hay que hacer algo en especial para que la tome?