Fishing 🎣 4. MY FISHING HOBBY. (My Sport Fish SEBARAU) and other type of fish i catch buy net or fishing.

My first attention during that time is, I am a SEBARAU Chaser  (Hampala Macrolepidota) pic. I will go through the jungle river to catch this fighting machine. Ones you get a bite, this fish will fight strongly to release it self, it like the Mahseer or kelah fish. This fish can grow up to 4-5 Kg. They leave in clean water and sandy river. Most of the time this fish stay under the death fallen tree trunk in the river. Diet is fish, they like to ambush their prey. My Dam SC4 reel is the reel catch most of this fish.

Described from Bogor Regency, western Java, Indonesia but currently-considered to range eastwards from Myanmar through Thailand as far as the Mekong drainage in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and southwestern China, and to the south through Peninsular Malaysia and into the Greater Sunda Islands of Borneo, Sumatra, and Java. It thus occurs through out the Mekong, Chao Phraya and Mae Klong watersheds as well as a host of smaller river basins, lakes and reservoirs. Its dispersal has been artificially-led to an extent as it’s prized as both a food and sport fish and has been introduced to numerous water bodies.
This fish preferring clear, well-oxygenated, running water with substrates of sand, gravel, rock or mud although it’s adaptable and can be found in both upland and lowland, standing or flowing waters.
During the rainy season it’s known to migrate into areas of inundated forest to feed and spawn and it can now be found in many impounded water bodies as a result of human activity including agriculture and damming of river channels. Larger specimens apparently tend to frequent deep pools of main river channels especially around submerged tree trunks and branches.
Primarily a predator with stomach analyses of wild specimens demonstrating it to feed on smaller fishes and insects along with a variety of freshwater crustaceans and plant material, the latter likely taken via the stomach contents of prey items.

I always us Spoon lure to catch this fish. The spoon is a shining piece of chrome metal that look like fish fin that create glitter. Pic. The no one spoon from top LHS is he most sebarau fish love it. Some of this spoon almost 26 year. Almost 15 pcs missing, hook on the branches in the water during this fish escape or line snap. This fish is sensitive to our shadow if we stand near bye the river side. Wearing dark colour shirt when hunting for this fish.

My Funny Lure

In 1982 in a dry season, because of interest to catch this fish, me and my friend track up the river from a white sandy river bank that seldom people come due to very thick bushes, because dry seasons the river water is low. This is my first time I saw a tiger on the other side of the river came down to the river for a drink. Beginning I heard some monkeys shouting but I don’t care and then I hear some branches breaking few time, I look around other side of the river, where I so this tiger slowly came down to the river, at that moment me and my friend pack our thing and leave the place. That was a adventure for me, other wild animals you can see is wild boar, Cobra snake, even the elephant foot print.
Other fish is KALOI (Giant Gourami) (Osphroremus Goramy) pic. This fish is a calm and slow fish. It difficult to catch this fish. Diet Oil Palm or Cricket. But when this fish bit your bate it strongly fight back. The biggest I catch is 1 kg.

TOMAN (Giant Snake Head) (Channa Micropeltes), this is another fighting fish. This fish fight fiercely. It can grow more then 10 kg. Diet small fish,

Below fish catch from the small stream in the estate. Catch by net or reel for my aquariumm
Bogoh (Spanner Barb/Barbus Lateristriga) For my aquarium

Terbul (Spanner Barb/Osteochilus Hassatii) For My Aquarium.

False Rummy Nose/Petitella Georgiae. Catch Buy net For My Aquarium

Striped Barb/Barbus Fasciatus. For my aquarium

Tiger Barb/Barbus Tetrazone. Use net to catch for my Aquarium.

Eye Sport Rasbora/ Rasbora Dorsiocellate. Use net to catch for my Aquarium.

Scissors Tail/Rasbora Trilineata. Catch use net for my Aquarium.

Sepat (Pearl Gourami/Trichogaster Leeri. Catch use net for my Aquarium.

Chocolate Gourami/Sphaerichthys Osphromenoides. Catch use net for My Aquarium.

Harlequin Fish/Rasbora Heteromorpha. For My Aquarium.
