Since I love fishing, my fishing equipment also up grate to a Bette.r one. My first up grade reel is DAM Quick SC4 with Daiwa 8 feet rod.
My fishing activity will start 3pm every day after school, I will drive my father old Motorbike go fishing alone. I will find the small river or big at the estate and start fishing until late night.
School holiday is the most exciting day. Early in the morning my face will not around the house until my mother always scold me because no revision on my school book. Most of the time will go fishing alone,My friend will joint me if they are free. Event Saturday and Sunday, I will not going with my family for shopping. I will arrange a far fishing trip with my friend outside the estate, down stream Semberong river. It passes by a logging area. This river is very big and many big fish like Snake head can reach more then 20kg or tapah fish can reach 30 kg. Other mostly catch is baung fish some time I can get it 800 to a kg
The type of fish i catch most is, Baung, Tapah, Belida, Bogoh, Terbul, Strip balb

The type of fish i catch most is, Baung, Tapah, Belida, Bogoh, Terbul, Strip balb
Tapah Fish always playing on the surface of the water. It difficult to hook up this big fish. I hear ones there is a group of army personal training near the jungle using grenade to get this fish. Some they say this fish can grow very big until can eat a monkey. I only get small tapah with my rod around 300 – 600 grm using worms. They like to stay in muddy water. This fish have many small bone.

The easier fish I can get is BAUNG (Cat fish) (Hemibagrus Nemurus). Diet - every thing that can eat event I use cockle meat. They like to leave in muddy river. The biggest Baung I catch around 600 grm.You can easily catch this fish most of the river in the estate.
BELIDA (Chilala) , Diet worms, oil palm or cricket. This fish have many bone. The biggest belida i catch is 700grm..Below picture is Belida fish,
Lais (Kryptopterus Bicirrhis) Smaller then belida with body like a mirrow with big mouth.

If you want to buy this type of fish, you can get it buy the road side from Muadzam Shah Town to Lubuk Batu village. The saler is the Orang Asli (Modern Native Community) Picture taken in 2001 The Baung Fish.

All the fish is cheaper then in town. Event some of the Chinese restaurant also sale river prawn and other fish. I have one experience I stop by a restaurant to have my food, I order a fried rice and drinks, but the lady ask if I want additional prawns, ok for me . When the food come I saw two big river prawn, on that time in my mind say, for sure it expensive more then RM10. You know what, when the bill came it only coast me RM6 what a surprise. In KL I don’t think we can get this price.
Other fish is River PARANG fish (River Wolf Herring) (Macrochiriohthys Macrochirus) It a surprise for me, I catch this fish using net during flood season in a small river in the estate. I never hook up this fish before with my fishing rod. On that day I net out nearly 100 + + this fish. then give some to the eastate staff
Some fish that catch 1980-1989 is on table or for my aquarium. The bad thing is no photo taken even one snap my self on the river with fish. all in my memory