Fishing 🎣 12. My FISHING HOBBY. My ROD Collection

My Fishing Rod Collection
Fishing Rod or Pole is the important thing, to swing your line far far away. I collected 44 rods since 1981 to 2025. Every rod have his own history so i will try remember back what has been done to my rod..

Start blogger = 17/7/2008
Update blog = 18/2/2025

Total length .

1. 3 feet ++ = 2 pcs = litter shot 3 feet/kingston 3.2 feet/

2. 4 Feet ++ = 7 pcs = leisure 4.3 feet/Seaking 4.5 feet/Ofmer nature 4 feet/Sheber 4 feet/Daiwa jupiter 4.11 feet/katana master 4.9 Feet/casting no name 4.25 feet/

3. 5  feet ++ = 5 pcs = King fisher 5.5 feet/loomis 5 feet/casper 5.3 feet/olimpic 5.3 feet/Goo 5.9 feet/Xpuyu MP250 5 feet, sougayilang Teliscop 180 5.9 feet, Exori Trevally 5.9 feet, Teliscope 4 Section The Lucky one 180 5.9 feet. Pro Marine ML 5feet. 

4. 6  feet ++ = 7 pcs = wood 6.5 feet/father 6 feet/seahawk brave runner 6 feet/Sigma 6 feet/Lemax steel 6.6 feet/Ryobi Astro 6 feet/Ajiking Zigmaxs 6ffeet, Xpuyu solid max sdm260ms. Seahawk Furious Lion 6.11. Ryobi Royal casting, Ryobi Royal Spin, 

5. 7  feet ++ = 3 pcs = othmer 7 feet/othmer  black 7 feet/seahawk anuv 7 feet/

6. 8  feet ++ = 4 pcs = packspin 8 feet/seahawk world 8 feet/Daiwa power 8 feet/Shimano cruzer 2.70/ Big Cat Bcc800F 8 feet

7. 9 feet ++ = 4 pcs = Ryobi forest 9 feet/Xpuyu spr 290 9.5 feet, Daiwa Flyrod.

8.10 feet ++ = Shimano Cruzer 3.0m

9. 13 feet ++ = Jetray pools,

Rod Range usage = 44pcs
1. Light rod = 9 pcs
2. Medium rod = 18 pcs
3. Heavy duty rod = 5 pcs
4. Bait casting rod = 3 pcs
5. Teliscop rod = 6 pcs
6. Fly rod =  2 pcs
7. Pools = 1 pcs

Brand own 25. (44 pcs rod)
1. Ajiking (China) = 1 pcs
2. Big Cat (USA) = 1 pcs
3. Casper = 1pcs 
4. Daiwa (Korea) = 3 pcs
5. DIY Chiba (China) = 1 pcs
6. Exori Fishing (Jerman)= 1 pcs
7. GOO (Japan) = 1 pcs
8. Jetray = 1 pcs
9. King Fisher = 1 pcs
10. Katana = 1 pcs
11. Kingston = 1 pcs
12. Leisure (Taiwan) = 1 pcs
13. Loomis & Franklin (USA) = 1 pcs
14. Lemax (Japan) = 1 pcs
15. No name = 4 pcs
16. New Lucky One (Jpn) = 1 pcs
17. Ofmer = 3 pcs
18. Olimpic = 1 pcs
19. Packspin = 1 pcs
20. Pro Marine (Japan) = 1 pcs
21. Ryobi (Japan/Malaysia) = 4 pcs
22. Sea King = 1
23. SeaHawk (Malaysia) = 4 pcs
24. Sigma = 1 pcs
25. Sabre = 1 pcs
26. Shimano (Jpn / Mal) = 2 pcs
27. Sougayilang (China) = 1 pcs
28. Xpuyu (Japan) = 3pcs 

1) Secondhand LEISURE: Combo set 
My ori rod missing is red colour made in Taiwan. My sister did,t take care when fishing I saw the rod straight dive into the river with fish on. This yellow is given to me but almost same as my ori rod but this made in Japan. Buy In kluang Johor
1. Action : Light .
2. Length : 4.3 foot (1.31 m)
3. Section : 3 pcs.
4. Made in Taiwan. 
My first fishing rod.The handle all made with plastic materials and wire ring. The best rod at my first attempt to use moden fishing equipment back in 1980.

2) New SEA KING: Model ? 
Buy in 1982 RM18, at Larut Matang Emporium Taiping Perak. I match with my cheap reel Leasure 100.
1. Action : Light – Medium.
2. Length : 4 ½ foot (1.37m)
3. Section : 2 pcs. 
My best light rod In 1982. use in my cheap set reel Leisure 100.

3) New OTHMER: Model ? 
Buy in 1982 RM25 at Larut Matang Emporium Taiping Perak. To match my Ryobi GX300
1. Action : Medium – Heavy 
2. Lenght : 7 feet (2.13m)
3. Section : 2 pcs.
After the fish that i catch getting bigger i bought this rod. All the line ring i change to ceramick ring. So far this rod give me nice casting. After 1995 no more using get more better rod.

4) New Daiwa Power Lift T-80CS.
Buy new 1982 Rm41 in Tackle Shop Jalan Tupai Taiping Perak. When first buying the saler show me how good this rod buy bending it to U shape. Most time I use to do casting with my DAM SC4. My best rod so far. Ring damage I change my self. Last use in 1995.
1. Line Test :
2. Action : Heavy
3. Length : 8 feet
4. Section : 2 pcs

5) New OTHMER: Black Power CS 210 F 
Buy in 1983, RM26 in Larut Matang Emporium Taiping Perak.
1. Action : Medium 
2. Length : 7 feet (2.13m) .
3. Section : 2 pcs.
This rod buy to replace my old Othmer rod that i buy in 1982. 

6) New A Wooden Handle: No name and model.
Buy in 1984, RM8 at paloh tackle shop Kluang Johor. 
1.Actiom : Medium 
2. Length : 6 ½ feet (1.98m)
3. Section : 2 pcs.
It cheep and special a wooden handle. No name on it, i bought it for casting with my DAM SC4 but the front end too soft not for casting. I like the wooden handle strong in cast of wild animal attack i can use it.

7) New Unknown brand
Buy in Kluang Bahru 1982. Price not sure.
1, Action : Medium – Heavy 
2. Length : 6 feet (1.82m)
3. Section : 2 pcs.
Buy in Kluang baru with Zebco reel. My father first attempt river prawn fishing in kahang river. I can't  remember the name. The second parts at the top break, so now is shorten. I did't use this rod, but i redo change the ring and repaint some parts ori colour is green. 

8) New PACKSPIN: 806 MBG (Telescope rod 6 section) 
Buy in 1986, RM20 at Kluang Johor. Use only in small river with high river side area.
1. Action : Light– Medium 
2. Length : 8 feet (2.43m)
3. Section : Teliscop 5 pcs.
My first Teliscope rod. Bought due to other rod is too long to carry. From 8 ft can be shorten that why i bought this rod. Change to ceramic ring at end after broken, now shorten. 

9) New RYOBI: Forest FR 2270.
Buy in 1998, RM25 at Sea Tackle sale Petaling Jaya
1. Action : Heavy
2. Length : 9 feet (2.74m)
3. Section : 2 pcs

Need to to find a heavy duty rod
Found this 9ft for my Ryoby adventure 80L multiplayer But never use, really heavy.

10) New RYOBI: Astro Black AB 2560.
Buy in 1997, RM20, at Sea Tackle sale PJ. 
1: Action : Heavy  
2. length : 6 feet (1.82m)
3. Casting weight : 150-200g
4. Section : 2 pcs hollow.
5. Made in Malaysia
Buy another heavy rod for my Ryobi Adventure 80L deep sea reel. But after use it not that good. It have 2 section hollow rod so use for heavy light not heavy duty.

11) New SEAHAWK: World King WK 240 
Buy in 1997, RM70 at Yohan Mall KL. It for my DAM Quick Finessa II 260.
1. Line : 10 - 20 ibs
2. Action : Medium Heavy
3. Length : 8 Feet (2.43m)
4. Section : 2 pcs
Bring it when go deep sea fishing, not good for cacting on boat. 

12) New SEAHAWK: Anniversary 1999 SAN 270 – MH.
Buy in 2000, RM55 at Yohan Mall KL. For my DAM Quick Finessa II 250.
1. Line : 10 - 20 Ibs 
2. Action : Medium - Heavy 
3. Length : 7 feet (2.13m)
4. Section : 2 pcs.
Need to go for deep sea competition with my friend go down town and buy this rod. It  heavy but strong best for my DAM Finessa II  250 or 260.

13) New SEAHAWK: Brave Runner SBR 2060. Buy in 2000, RM34, for my DAM Quick CSI 40
1. Line : 6 -12 Ibs 
2. Action : Medium
3. Length : 6 feet (1.82m)
4. Section : 2 pcs.
Just to get another rod to try up,

14) New KING FISHER: Blue Fish Game Rod 2220-20. Buy in 2000, RM127, In sin chow tackle Seremban. For my Ryobi Adventure 80L.
1. Line : 20 - 50 Ibs 
2. Action : Heavy 
3. Length : 5.5 feet (1.65M)
4. Section : 1 pcs.
After wrong bought the Ryobi Astroblack. Find this heavy duty rod for my Ryobi Adventure 80L. After first attemp i love it. No worry of rod breaking when big fish on.

15) New SIGMA: Intrepid IM-6.
Buy in 2000, RM80 at Sin Chow Tackle Seremban. For my baitcasting Ryobi T1.
1. Line : 10 - 20 ibs 
2. Action : Medium - Heavy
3. Length : 6 Feet (1.82m)
4. Section : 1 pcs
I buy a casting reel Ryobi one, but use other type rod not that practical. So get a one section baitcasting rod it match my Ryobi one.

16) New OFMER: Nature 3210-401.
Buy in 2001 Rm15 Giant Senawang Seremban 
1. Line : 6 -12 Ibs 
2. Action : Light  
3. Length : 4 feet (1.21m)
4. Section : 1pcs.

One section rod, buy when offer Giant hyper market close down this tackle section. Light rod for prawn fishing.

17) Secondhand Sabre  (Hand Crafted) 655H.
Buy in 2001 Rm600 togather with Shimano TLD30 reel.
1. Line : 30 – 60 Ibs 
2. Action : Heavy 
3. Length : 4 feet (1.21m)
4. Section : 1 pcs.

After my first attempt to catch sailfish in Nenasi Pekan Pahang with my friend deep sea reel. I getting exited, my friend tell me to buy a second hand deep sea reel and rod total RM 1100. I get a Shimano TLD30 and this handcraft rod. wooo all the big fish i landed eazyly. More advance fishing after so long. 

18) New LOOMIS and FRANKLIN: 0500SPE 
Buy in 2003, Rm40 in NanYang Newspapers building PJ fishing tackle sale carnivel
1. Line : 4 – 12 Ibs 
2. Action: Light 
3. Length : 5 feet (1.52m)
4. Section : 2 pcs  Hollow

My first light Hollow rod. My friend bought the same rod but he break it in first attemp to catch 2kg fish, he strick the fish heavily like using heavy rod. 

19) New DAIWA: Jupiter Power Tip JPS 502MS.
Buy in 2004 Rm27.50 seatackle sale PJ.
1. Line : 6 - 20 lbs 
2. Action : Medium 
3. Length : 4.11 feet (1.25m)
4. Section : 2 pcs
5. Ring - 4

Nice rod for small reel.

20) New LEMAX: Steel Power SP1266.
Buy in 2004 Rm25
1. Line : 8 – 20 Ibs 
2. Action : Medium 
3. Length : 6.6 feet (2.01m)
4. Section : 2 Pcs

Just buy for my collection it cheep. Soft tips seldom use just keep as backup rod if go deep sea fishing.

21) New  KATANA : Master Pro 4701 (Telescope Type) Buy 5/6/2013 Rm13 sien chew tackle seremban NS
1. Line : 8 - 15 Ibs, 
2. Action : Medium, 
3. Length : 4.9 Feet (1.49m)
4. Section : 5 pcs.
Due to small and compact i bought this rod , bring it togather when doing training in jungle. Just to have a nice time after team building. Not yet get any fish. My first use in casting in Bentong River pahang.

22) New No Name : A Bait casting Rod, 
Buy in 2014 emergency situation Rm25 a set at Bendang Kedah. 
1. Line : 8 - 10 ibs. 
2. Action : Light,  
3. Length : 4.2.5 feet. (1.29m)
4. Section : 2 Pcs
In 2014 went team building in Bendang kedah in a resort with a big lake. No planing, after team building go down town buy a cheep set Santex light reel and rod RM25. My first catch is Belida fish. Look this rod no want to buy, it sale cheep. I found this set at a corner with dust. I  bought in emergencies cases. But after use now i clean it and display next change all the line guide. 

23) New Little Shot Second 110. 
Buy 2017 Rm15 in JJJ SEREMBAN. 
1. Line = 8 - 10 IBS
2. Action = Light
3. Length = 3 feet. (0.91m.)
4. Section = 1
One section. Light rod for prawns or fish. It for Japan market.

24) Secondhand, Casper S 105 Telescope rod. Buy Rm15 in 2018 JJJ Seremban 
1. Line = 8 - 10 ibs
2. Action = Light Medium
3. Length = 5.3 feet. (1.61m)
4. Section = 5 pcs
5. Ring = 5
 Look new 

25) Use Olympic Custom 150 Use
1. Line = 8 - 15 ibs
2. Action = Light Medium
3. Length = 5.3 feet (1.61m)
4. Section = 2 Pcs Hollow.
5. Made in Taiwan
Buy in JJJ, Rm15 2018. Event it from Taiwan but for Japan market. The reel clip different flat. Is a hollow rod. The head with flat wood.

26) New KINGSTON 100/2*. 
Made in China for japan market. Very cheep 2 section with casing Rm5. Buy on 25/8/2022 JJJ. Light rod for prawn or small fish. I check all the surface look like never been use no scratch on reel seat, rod handle very clean no mud trail or scratch at end, the line ring also no worn of mark, body colour no chip or scratch. Yes found a new ligh rod with cheap price from japan.

1. Line test - 2,3 pound
2. Action - light
3. Length - 3.2 feet (100cm)
4. Section - 2 pcs
5. Made in china (Japan market)
With a casing

China rod for jpn market.

2 section, colour shining no chip, scratch or dirt.

100 meters 

The reel grip is metal, lock grip plastic no scratch or dirty handle. 

Ring is metal no scratch

All My Rod 2008.

Top Scetion

Bottom section

No 27. New Goo, JAPAN. Teliscope rod Super compact 180.
Buy for Rm28.05 JJJ 15/11/2022.

1. Line test =
2. Action = Medium light
3. Length = 5.9 foot (180m)
4. Section = Teliscope 6 section
5. Ring = 6
5. Made in Japan

The grip section clean

All new

No28, New XPUYU xpr 290, 19/5/2024 TCE tackle S2 9 feet rod for Rm55. solid power rod.
1. Line test = 20 - 30 pound
2. Action = Medium Heavy
3. Length = 9.5 feet (2.70m)
4. Section  = 2  pcs
5. Ring = 7
Made in Japan

No29. Secondhand, Xpuyu Metal Power MP250.
I found this rod only bottom parts, it been throw away by some one after top section broken. I can't find the top section so i find replacement other rod top section, modified it can use. Is a hollow rod can't use this type in hard way. 
1. Line test : 
2. Action : Medium 
3. Length :
4. Section: 2 pcs
5. Made in: 

No 30. New Shimano Cruzar 8 feet. Rm40 get it on 3/6/2023 tackle shop KL.
1. Line test : 6 -20 ib 
2. Action: Medium
3. Length = 2.70m 8.85feet
4. Section = 2 holo
Made in Singapore 

Given a rod poch

No 31, New Shimano Cruzer rod 10 feet Rm45 from Shoopee. Got it 3/6/2023 from tackle shop KL

1. Line test 6- 20ib
2. Length = 3.0m 9.84feet
3. Section = 2 holo
4. Action = Medium
5. Material = Carbon
6. Ring = 6
7. Made in singapore

Given a rod poch

No 32. New Sougayilang Teliscop. New product for me this brand from china Rm22. Buy from Johor tackle shop
From advertising show can stand heavy load 4 coke bottle 1.2 liter and review good only few say broken after use few time. Teliscop rod not for heavy throw, i use a 8 feet 1986 rod still in fair condition. 
Length = 5.9 Feet (2.1m)
Section = 6
Action = Light 
Line test =
Ring = 5

No 33. New Ajiking Zigmaxs AZM602MHS  Rm120.90, buy on 14/6/2023. Seremban TCE tackle shop.
Length = 6 feet
Section = 2
Ring = 7
Action = MH

No 34, New Big Cat BCC800F Fly Fishing. Buy in set Rm111.60 TCE tackle shop Senawang Seremban.
1. 3 section 
2. Length = 8 feet
3. Ring = 7
4. Line test = 5 - 6 ib

No 35. New Exori Trevally 5.9 feet solid. Rm40 18/6/2023 sin chow tackle seremban. 
First time using this brand. Exori brand may be from Jermany but product made in korea or china. Can't get the company profile.
Action = M
Line =15 - 25ib
Length  = 180m/5.9feet
Ring = 9
Made in China

No 36, New Xpuyu Solidmax sdm 260 ms, 10/7/2023 Rm26.97 TCE tackle shop S2
1. Line test = 6 to 12 lb
2. Length = 6 feet
3. Lure weight = 10 - 30g
4. Glass blank construction
5. Class Solid Rod
6. Action = Medium 

No 37. Free Sea Hawk Furious Lion. people throw away because broken end tip and center joint. Is a heavy duty rod.
I take back and repair back. From 8 feet rod after i rework to 6.11 feet. The center Section is been modified to small diemeter 11 inch, i cut it off use back ori daimeter 12 inch. The rod tips is 3.5 inch to 4.5 inch because snap off few inch.
1. Line test = 
2. Length = 6.11  feet 
3. Class = Medium Heavy

Center joint broken 

Replace back 12 inch 

The end tips is 3.5 inch change to 4.5 inch


No 38. Secondhand, New Lucky one 180, Teliscop 4 section 5.9 feet. Made Jpn. RM37. Faulty end line guide can change

No39. Short mini from DIY 8/8/2024. Is a pocket pen size Teliscop rod, for convenient carry around. Length 96cm. (3.5 feet)


No 40. Ryobi Royal Cast 60ML. 7/11/2024,  Buy new Rm47.50. Made in Malaysia for Japan market.
1. length = 1.83m/6 feet 
2. Section = 2
3. Casting rod
4. Ring = 5 pcs

No41. New Ryobi Royal Spin 65L    7/11/2025, Buy Rm47.50. Seremban 
1. Made in Malaysia for Japan market. 
2. Length = 1.98m/6.5 feet, 
3. section = 2 pcs.
4. Ring = 5 pcs
5. Action = Light 

No 42. New Pro Marine Kan Tan 6025 ML, buy rm47.50, 25/11/2024 KIP MALL Bangi selangor.
1. Length = 5 feet. 
2. Made in Japan. 
3. Action = Light Medium

No 43. Secondhand free Jetray fishing pole 
People throw away because broken end rod and bottom cover, i repair back. 
1. Length = 13 feet (4 meter)
2. Section = 4
3. Act = 15 - 30gram

13 feet

No 44. 18/2/2024 Buy a new Flyrod for Rm95.50 in Bangi. Look at it the reels handle clean and the grip cock new. Made in Taiwan, Daiwa Phantom Daimond Braiding, model CC907F. 
1. Line test = 7 to 8 ib. 
2. Length = 9 feet 
3. section. = 2 pcs

Come with a plastic casing and protection poch.

Aluminium handle.

The poch

My Two Fly rod. Looking one more.

Next rod coming 

Enjoy  🎣  🎣   ðŸŽ£ 
