Fishing 🎣 2. MY FISHING HOBBY. My First Fishing Reel LEISURE 100

Age 13 1981, this is my active years in fishing, I stay in a oil palm plantation (JOPP) in Kluang Johor. My father working there. The Oil palm plantation near to a jungle with river flowing (Selai River and Semberong River). How I involve seriously is, One day the estate staff arrange a fishing trip, they call me. But I say it a boring hobby, but for the fun why not. Before the date arrives, I went down town to buy my first fishing set. Not much knowledge about the modern fishing so i buy a cheep complete fishing reel with a red plastic carry bag, some hook, line, weight, sweal, in a shooping emporiun in kluang it around RM15. 
No photo taken, all Camera is expensive and using filem, on that time still school boy. No Handphone.. 

Start blogger = 13/7/2008
Update blog = 1/9/2024.

My no 1 reel. LEISURE 100 (1981). A combo set.

RM15 complete set (Hook, Weight, Sweal) and a carry bag

1. Made in Taiwan
2. No Ball bearing.
3. Line 4/6/8 Ib.
4. Gear Ratio : 3.2:1.
5. Front drag. 
When you turn the handle it create loud sound Kreak kreak Sound. Hahaha very noisy the fish run away.

The Side View

The Spool

The Dismental Spools

There is no line Roller.

Mechanical Bail Arm Trip

Lhs Side View Handle

The anty Revers Mechanism

My rail the noice is lest.

Inside Simple Gear. The pinion gear almost worn off. So that i use  heavy light greese.

The Handle is been modified using iron handle, the original handle made using plastic broken.

Made In Taiwan

The Rod for this reel is missing fall into the water. The original is red colour. I have this yellow rod for free to replaces it.

When the fishing day came, i joint them, it so boring at the beginning, no fish, but at the end of the days, there is a bite on the line, I just take up my line without tugging the line, I saw a 3 finger size fish, but it not really hook on the fish mouth and the fish drop back in the water. The feeling not like using can can.That is the best moment when the fish pulling your line, it like tug of war. From that moment of time, my interest in fishing using modern equipment getting exiting. Most of the catch around 100grm to 1kg fish on this reel. The biggest is catfish and other small river fish. 
My fishing activity is everyday after school, Reaching home around 2pm, rest and around 3.30pm grab my equipment, ride my father old motobike Yamaha YB100 and hunt for small river in the estate. The bait i use earth worm. Finish fishing until 7pm. The activity on Saturday and Sunday still go on sometime go ferther away to other more bigger river with friend (Kahang river). Until the estate worker knew me. If i cought some unwanted fish like catfish will give it to other angler if there are thare or i will release back. Some fish is for my aquarium. 
At that time of moment this reel cought many river fish, even it cheap i always service it. Slowly when have money i by my second reel Ryobi GX300.
Till today 2024 this reel still in mint condition. Not going to throw away.

HAVE FUN 🎣 fishing 🎣 
