Fishing 🎣 11. MY FISHING HOBBY. (Other People Reel)

I also collect fishing reels belong to other. Most reels have problem but i manage repair back and become my collection. 

No 23 reels. ZEBCO 39 XBL 
Is a 1976 product, Buy in 1982 tackle shop Kluang baru Johor. Belongs to my father, not a fishing guy, buy due to a fishing trip in kahang river then no more use, Until the bail arm damage in 1985 sent for repair no spareparts. 2007 I modified it using cheap bail arm.

1. Made in Korea 
2. Bearing = 1
3. Line Test = 8ib
4. Ratio = 3.4:1
5. Front Drag
6. Changeable handle Left or Right
7. Power disc drag system

Lhs view

Rhs view

The anti revers lever damage 

Manage to modified

The spool release button damage now just tighten with big nut

The gear

Made in Korea

Aluminium handle

Original bail arm damage no spare parts so modified using cheap bail arm.

The Original Flayer

No 24 reels. TKY-Z  
Is a 1983 product from a combo set. Belong to my friend due to gear jem and broken handle he want to throw in the river but I ask to give me. I managed repair back and can be use. Keep it to memory of my friend who always go fishing with me in 1982 to 1986.

1. Made in JAPAN 
2. No bearing 
3. Line test = 6 - 8 ib
4. Ratio - 3.2:1
5. Front drag

Rhs view

The plastick Handle Broken Modified a iron Handle.

Made In Japan

Anti Revers Lever

Line Guide

The Spool


Quality Japan reel

The Simple Gear system.

No 25 reels. MATCH 520
Unknown brand may be Mitchell, Zebco is a 1970 reels. Found under a tree throw away due to damage in 1990. No bail assembly,  no body cover, no handle, no reverse knob. Gear in good condition. I manage repair it. Found this reels model in 2010 Match 520 Made in Japan 
1. No Ball bearing,
2. Line Test : 6 ibs
3. Gear Ratio : 3.2 : 1
4. Front drag. 

Lhs. No spining handle,  no anti reverse lever

Same handle with my Match 510

Lhs view

Missing anti reverse lever. Modified with a plastick lever

The spool and spool lock

The spool crack at side 

Rhs. Missing body cover and damage bail arm.

The Gear still ok

The other Spool can use for this reel

The shaft

At last found this reel name on ebay,  MATCH 520 Made in Japan.

This not my just to show the ori image this reel. With special bail arm push lock system.

Front View

The lhs view

This another cheap combo set fishing reel i buy just Rm3. Condition pinion gear worn off and paint chip. I respray and servise. Light reel. I keep this reel because it name from well know brand.

Rhs view

Lhs.view, one side cast.

Front view, the spool

 Anti reverse knob. But with loud sound

Un foldable handle

Back view

Simple bail arm

The shaft

The simple gear, different shaft guide, a pcs of metal not like other eazy damage. Add new greese.

Enjoy Fishing 🎣  🎣 
